Showpiece Fish Suggestions...


Fish Fanatic
Feb 4, 2012
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Hi guys...

I've been having a nightmare of a time with my tank since upgrading from a Fluval U4 internal to a tetratec ex1200 the last 2 weeks that I've almost forgotten this is meant to be fun and I've not been thinking about what fish to add to my tank as ive constantly been trying to sort ammonia levels!

So I'm going to temporarily forget the problems and focus on something positive - what I can add once my filter has sorted itself out!

I have a Fluval Roma 125 at the moment with the following stocking:

2 dwarf gouramis
5 sterbai corys
5 neon tetras
4 pitbull plecs lda025
1 l288 pleco

I did start with 8 neons but lost 3 soon after they arrived... I do plan to add a few extra but at the moment am just going to leave them especially as the ammonia levels are fluctuating.

So does anyone have any suggestions as to a showpiece fish or two that would brighten the place up in the mid - higher sections?

I like the look of kribensis and apistogramma cacatuoides, but this is someone with only 2-3 months worth of fishkeeping experience so don't know if they are suitable or not?

I've also toyed with the idea of a few guppys since they are so colourful, but do like the size and looks of the small cichlids...

Any other suggestions and feedback are more than welcome!

Many thanks :good:
Most of the small cichlids i.e. kribensis will be around the bottom of the tank, in caves etc but they are lovely fish. What about a pair of rainbowfish?
Haven't seen any rainbowfish before, any pics? Anyone with any other suggestions?
Hi Alex, i am sorry to hear of your problems. I am really suprised that you have been having issues with ammonia. I really can't understand it tbh... There is no reason why the readings shouldn't be at 0, especially by now. Have you thought it could be the test kit that is dodgey? :look: Are you using Seachem Prime? That can give false readings when testing.

Anyway, as for fish, i would go with a pair of Bolivian Rams for the centrepiece fish.
I do quite like the look of the rams! Will look into them...

It's nothing thats your fault mate - after testing my ph it looks to have dropped to 6 or below so for some reason has crashed which I think may be a part of the problem? I've added some bicarb to push it up so fingers crossed it sorts out soon!

I am using prime yes btw, I know this can sometimes give readings. I don't think it's the test kit just because it's showing tap water as 0 but I suppose I can always get another!
Make sure you don't raise it too much, all the fish you have would prefer a slightly acidic PH as far as i am aware.

There is a thread running in the new world section about Bolivians with some cracking pics to boot. ;)

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