Should We Move On?


Fish Crazy
Jun 17, 2012
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. Hi all, I am a bit confused here, I have just read that a fishless cycle is old fashioned and out of date and ..........

BIO-Spira, will instantly cycle a new aquarium. So fishless cycling is no longer needed.

Incidentally, household ammonia is a dangerous chemical, and it is safer to avoid using now I am thinking should we move on?? What do you think, don't be too nasty......... :D
i find a fishless cycle is always needed when setting up a new matter what a product will say... i find that it is safer for the fish in the long run..
I personally would go for a fishless cycle. These things might help it along, but at least you know if you take the time do do it properly, it'll be a safe cycle.

But, having never actually tried it that way, I wouldn't know. Fear of watching fish die 1 by 1 of "new tank syndrome" is enough for me.
Fishless for me too!!
I dont understand how bacteria which is a living organism and needs nutrients, etc to survive can be shoved in a bottle for years, put on a shelf till someone buys it and come out fresh as a daisy!!! lol.
IMO humble opinion, it cant/doesnt happen as bacteria needs time to slowly build up and mutiply hence why you add fish slowly to prevent ammonia overload as the bacteria cant handle the amount of ammonia available.
Plus, dont forget that when bacteria or ammonia is removed it doesnt take long for bacteria to starve & start dying!!
So off the shelf products that immediately cycle a tank ..... Pfft .
My ten pence worth anyway!! Lol.
Also, how do you know those products have worked without testing with ammonia? The reason it takes so long to fishless cycle is because the bacteria have to grow, I don't know how you could possibly establish a good bacterial colony that quick. As we have seen on the forum fishless cycles vary from tank to tank due to all sorts of factors I can't see how a product can account for all of those factors.
I take it like a filter media donation - it'll help you along, but you'll still need to dose ammonia to make sure it's fine.
Dazzler - The type of bacteria that comes in regular bottles are from a spore forming nitrifying bacteria, so it can stay alive for ages without nutrients, but they are apparently a different species of bacteria than what is usually in our tanks, and will die off/get outcompeted. The type that come in refrigerators are actually the right types of bacteria, with their processes slowed by cold so they can survive for a year or two. That's what I've read online, and the LFS owner agrees, so it's good enough for me :good:
I used the bottled bateria and then put fish in the next day. Non of my fish died and have had them all for 7 months now. And this is a 60 gallon tank that I did that to.
Just because they survived it doesn't mean that it wasnt an extremely painful experience for them OR that they haven't been damaged from being poisoned and will live shorter lives.

Ammonia burns their fins and gills which affects their ability to breath and nitrite affects their nervous system and the ability of their blood to use oxygen. Your fish will have been exposed to high levels of both.
I'm also for fish less cycling. Has anyone seen the show tanked though? They use bottled bacteria and some sort of bacteria enriched substrate & water and they put in the fish immediately after. I mean, considering they are experts in fish... Maybe they do actually work. -shrugs-
So overall,......... I think we should not move to stick to what we know.......... ;)
Always use a fishless cycle when setting up a new tank as i find it makes for a better/safer tank.

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