Should I Use This


New Member
Dec 4, 2008
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Hiya, i am having a bit of trouble (more than normal). Basically i always seem to have trouble with algae in my tank i seem to get alot of green over the glass but now it is starting to effect my plants (hair algae). my light is on for 8 hours a day and it doesn't get direct sunlight. I use a ehiem classic 2217 but it only has one filter pad in as thats what it came with. I am about to buy 6 new filter pads so that the correct amount are in there. I try and do weekly partial water changes but this sometimes changes to 2weeks.

I last did a full clean 3 weeks and it was fine up until sunday and now i got back yesterday and you can hardly see in the tank. Why could this all of a sudden get so bad.

I will be doing a full clean out tomorrow of the tank but i want to know if there is anything that can help with removing the algae before it gets to bad, i have looked at this which is apparantly meant to work

Any help would be much appreciated.
I have no experience of the product you linked to, but I know that it can be harmful to shrimp and other inverts, so if you have them don't use it.

I think the main thing here is to get to the bottom of what is causing the algae. How long has your tank been set up? Is it planted? And do you add any fertilisers or additives?

It's always best to try and stop the problem at its root rather than trying to combat it once it's there.

Have a look at this link for an idea as to what can cause certain kinds of algae and how best to treat them.

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