Should I Try A Betta?


Bitter & Clinging...
Oct 22, 2011
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So now my 20 gallon is pretty empty feeling with no centerpiece fish. I was considering adding a Betta. Of course I'd have to move out the little nasty Guppy but that wouldn't be a problem.

Any suggestions from you Betta folks out there? I know some are considered more mellow than others, which ones are they? Would they do well in a 20 gallon with a small Bristlenose, a big Bolivian Ram, 7 Threelined Corys and 5 Glowlights? I'm mostly worried about the Bolivian Ram.

Never had a Betta before.........probably should consider a female? But they don't look as nice of course.

Thanks in advance for any tips.
Go with a half-moon. I've found them most placid. It'd go well with what you've got, and a male would work fine :good:
Personally, I would find yourself a stunning Plakat male, then you get your stunning fighter but looks less edible to the bolivian ram and the Plakats are more active (without those cumbersome fins to drag around) and can hold their own a lot better!
It'll depend on the individual Betta.
Crown tails seem to be more feisty, so maybe go for a plakat, as Mbou said they don't have the long fins to hamper them.
My big ear plakat male lives happily with shrimp & is very laid back.
If you do get ine, just keep an eye on him, but as he'd be added to an established tank, I can't see him being a problem
Personally, I would find yourself a stunning Plakat male, then you get your stunning fighter but looks less edible to the bolivian ram and the Plakats are more active (without those cumbersome fins to drag around) and can hold their own a lot better!

I was more worried about the welfare of the Bolivian Ram, not so much the Betta. My Rams are big whimps, the Thicklipped Gouramis spank them regularly. Also, I thought the Plakats were meaner than say the Imbellis or the Half Moon? To be honest I'm really starting to like the sound of a Betta Imbellis male or a Half Moon female. I like the shorter fins that stay open more often than the big honking ones of the Half Moon males.

Is it safe to say in order of aggressiveness:

1. Crowntail
2. Veiltail
3. Plakat
4. Half Moon
5. Imbellis, Crescent, Mahachai

I've been researching them for about an hour or so and that seems to be the consensus.
I would say you've got the aggressiveness in the right order, although they are individuals.
The females are less aggressive, & you can get some lovely coloured females
I would say you've got the aggressiveness in the right order, although they are individuals.
The females are less aggressive, & you can get some lovely coloured females

Thank, that's what I learned so far B-)

I'm leaning towards a male Imbellis or a female Half Moon. I think I'd prefer the Imbellis but I don't know if any of the local fish stores have any. I'm positive I saw some female Half Moons though............
Thank, that's what I learned so far B-)

I'm leaning towards a male Imbellis or a female Half Moon. I think I'd prefer the Imbellis but I don't know if any of the local fish stores have any. I'm positive I saw some female Half Moons though............

females may not have long flowing fins, but they are pretty and change color and have stripes depending on their mood.
when my female fish sees me in the morning she blushes dark purple because she knows she's going to be fed.

females also have a good personality.
Thanks everyone, I will be calling around the shops in an hour or so for the Imbellis male. If none have one I'll get a colorful female Half Moon. I know I saw some of those at both Petco & Petsmart.
I ended up getting 2 females, a Half Moon & a Crown Tail. The HM is white body red fins and she's a little bigger. She's the boss too but the CT is holding her own against the Queen & the evil Guppy.........
I guess I have one of those exceptions to the rule, mine is a crowntail and he's a big softie. He's been in with ember tertas,glowlight tetras, snails and two different kinds of cories since I got him (we've had a lot of shifting around and such with him) and I've never seen him chase or flare at anything, he just does his own thing XD I guess I'm just lucky. Most aggressive one I've ever had was a delta, he just went after everything right from the get go so I sold him on to live on his own.

Having only two females might not be a good idea, you really should have only one, or at least four or six to spread out any aggression. With only two the bossier one might hassle the other to death or just outright kill her. I've kept four successfully but only after swapping out a really aggressive one.
Thanks for that advice, I actually heard that in another thread too. I might be adding another female later in the week, depending on how these two get along with the psycho Guppy.

Here's some pics:



Personally, I would find yourself a stunning Plakat male, then you get your stunning fighter but looks less edible to the bolivian ram and the Plakats are more active (without those cumbersome fins to drag around) and can hold their own a lot better!

I always seemed to have bad luck with long finned bettas. They got nipped by other fish or they turned to eating themselves.
Personally, I would find yourself a stunning Plakat male, then you get your stunning fighter but looks less edible to the bolivian ram and the Plakats are more active (without those cumbersome fins to drag around) and can hold their own a lot better!

I always seemed to have bad luck with long finned bettas. They got nipped by other fish or they turned to eating themselves.

Too late, I already got 2 females but I might add another to spread out the aggression. I saw a female Plakat at Petco & a nice looking Dark Blue female at Petsmart.

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