Should I Introduce Snails To My Shrimp Only Tank?


Feb 19, 2012
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SA13 South Wales UK
Recently completed a fishless cycle in a 40L shrimp only tank and stocked with 12 4-6 week old RCS last weekend, so as you can imagine they're pretty small. It's a reasonably well planted low tech tank. Should I introduce snails to the tank? I've got some MTS in my community tank and also would possibly like to put some ramshorns in there, what do you guys think?
There are some pretty cool ramshorn snails out there. If possible you might be able to snatch some up for free in your area. Mostly they like to eat algea and similar discarded food that the rcs like to eat. Though the shrimp are a lot faster at getting to the food. I've heard that ramshorns might attack baby shrimps when starving, but I've never seen it happen.  It's also good if you've got hard water for both the shrimps and the snails.
I have assassin snails and shrimp and they live together well...

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