Shoul I Get A Second Filter?


Fish Gatherer
Feb 26, 2013
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I'm on a bit of a budget, as I've been spending way too much money on this tank. Today I finally got my 55 gallon running. Everything was going fine, and then, suddenly, my filter stopped working. It's an Aqua-Tech 30-60, available only at WalMart. Anyway, I was heart-broken. It's happened to me once before where the damned thing just stops working, so I darted to my LFS (second trip today) and got a Marineland Penguin 200, which goes up to 50 gallons, not 55. Should I get another smaller filter? The filter model I'm using has spaces for two carbon cartridges. Should I use two?

Currently the tank is empty but it will hold:
3-4 German Blue Rams
6 Cory Catfish
5 Cherry Barbs
5-6 Black Skirt Tetras/Red Minor Tetras
If it were me I'd get the biggest filter I could afford rather than a small one to only add the extra 5 gallons of filtration you have just to bring it "up to regulation". It's never a bad idea to over filter and in your case you're actually under filtering so anything you add is only going to be a plus.

With regards to filter media, can you put sponges in the extra space? I no longer use carbon at all with just sponges and ceramic rings. Carbon is only really worth using if you need to clean up after using meds. Otherwise I really wouldn't worry about it.
IMO you definitely need another/bigger filter

The marineland penguin 200 has a reported turnover of 200GPH. This is a turnover of less than 4x (which in my opinion is already low) without taking into account the fact that most manufacturers state turnover without filter media so that number is likely to be much lower.
Lunar Jetman said:
With regards to filter media, can you put sponges in the extra space? I no longer use carbon at all with just sponges and ceramic rings. Carbon is only really worth using if you need to clean up after using meds. Otherwise I really wouldn't worry about it.
I have sponges that should work. I'll try adding those in until I can get a bit more money and add another filter. The other one I was going to get was for a 75 gallon, but it was a bit too much. It was twice the price.

I was thinking about getting a 20 gallon filter in addition to the one I'm using now. That would get me to a combined 75 gallons. With the Penguin, I could always adjust the intake. I've never used this model before (but I had a coupon, and I like some of Marineland's stuff), so I'll have to learn a bit more about that particular feature.
Update: I have since purchased my second filter. I got a Top Fin 30 (I like TopFin. I've used a similar model of this filter with good results) which turns 150 gph. I may eventually upgrade this, but for now, it will be fine. I'll get a larger filter maybe next month and keep this filter for one of the ten gallons, maybe. I have plenty of movement in the tank water though. Two filters and my bubble stone give me a decent current. I just don't have the funds right now to get a larger filter than the two that I have now. 
Thanks for the input, you two.

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