Shipping Fish


New Member
Jul 31, 2004
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Okay, trying my best to make a long story short... I may be moving from Arkansas (US) to California and all I can think about is how to get my fish from here to there alive. I have a 50 gallon aquarium, 10 gallon and 9 one gallon tanks for my bettas. I have several guppies, some platies, swordtails, fancy goldfish, algae eaters, corry cat, and a butterfly fish. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated!!!

P.S. I'll be driving a rental truck to get there and it will probably be 2-3 days on the road as my 4 year old will be with me so Id rather not drive it straight thru.
Bag them with a decent amount of air and water, stick them in a cooler with heat packs and cushioning and try not to hit too many bumps. :D
Just an idea - how about a large bucket, and plug one of the power filter into the car's outlet? (If you don't have 110v, buy one of those transformers). Heck, you could also plug a heater as well, and this will probably maintain bacteria in a short term...

Has anyone tried this before?
yhbae said:
Just an idea - how about a large bucket, and plug one of the power filter into the car's outlet? (If you don't have 110v, buy one of those transformers). Heck, you could also plug a heater as well, and this will probably maintain bacteria in a short term...

Has anyone tried this before?
The road from Arkansas to California will have lots of slops and bumps, so it may fall over. Also, fish will be able to pollute a bucket collectively much faster than a bag.
Just make sure not to feed your fish one or two days before you leave, and not to feed them over the trip. If you could bring along extra water from your house, so you can do a water change for each bag, that would be good too. :)
I would also add ammo-lock to the water, just to be safe.
Ok, if that's the case, how about a rectangular "rubber maid" type of container with the top? You can put a large hole at the center of the top, so that even when the whole thing shakes, water won't come out easily. Then you can add either power filter or sponge filter in there to keep them going...

If you choose a large container, say 5g or larger, that should last for a while, no?

Just some crazy idas... :lol:

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