Hello! I recently got a shell dwelling cichlid from Petco. He was the only one they had (they told me he killed the other one that he came in with). I am wondering if I should keep looking for another shell dweller for him, specifically a female. I think this one is a male because of the goldish edge to his dorsal fin. I read the females have a whiter edge, the males golder. But of course, that assumes I correctly identified him. Petco just called him a "shell dwelling cichlid". I think he's a lamprologus ocellatus, but I'm not sure because only some of the pictures of this species show spots. Most show it as all yellowish. Perhaps these are the "gold" variety and mine is the regular?
Also, I read that the space needs for this fish are minimal and that some people keep them in a 5 gallon (~19 liter) tank. We have ours in a tank that is longer than a 10 gallon, but less deep. It holds less than 10 gallons of water because of the shallower height (10") but has a footprint of 25" long by 9" deep. So, from what I've read, this should be sufficient space for him, but it still looks small to me. I did post this question on a cichlid forum and was told it was fine. What do you guys think?
Oh, in case anyone is wondering, he has lots of shells.
So, my questions are:
1. Is this a lamprologus ocellatus?
2. Should I keep looking for a female?
3. Is his tank big enough for him?
Thank you!
Also, I read that the space needs for this fish are minimal and that some people keep them in a 5 gallon (~19 liter) tank. We have ours in a tank that is longer than a 10 gallon, but less deep. It holds less than 10 gallons of water because of the shallower height (10") but has a footprint of 25" long by 9" deep. So, from what I've read, this should be sufficient space for him, but it still looks small to me. I did post this question on a cichlid forum and was told it was fine. What do you guys think?
Oh, in case anyone is wondering, he has lots of shells.
So, my questions are:
1. Is this a lamprologus ocellatus?
2. Should I keep looking for a female?
3. Is his tank big enough for him?
Thank you!