Severum Questions


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2010
Reaction score
Hi all,

I see alot of debate about the difference between Rotkeil and Red Shoulder Severums. I can't distinquish which species I have. Would anyone be kind enough to give their opinions? See pic below...


I currently have a 5 x 2 x 2 (500L tank) stocked with the Sev above which is 6", 8 Geophagus Tapajos, and 10 Bleeding Heart Tetra's. Do I have room for maybe 2/3 more Sevs? I really like the Red Spotted and the Gold Variety's but I'm not sure whether to get the same as I have already so I have a few of the same type, rather than a variety.

Also, if I was introduce a new Sev(s) would it be best to get similar sized ones or would smaller ones be ok? (ie 2.5-3") I know there probably isn't a 100% certain answer to this as a lot depends on the personality of the individual fish, but any help would be great!

Your thoughts/recommendations would be much appreciated.

Many thanks,
This sounds stupid, I can obviously see the 5 black stripes/bars, but not sure how you get 8 or 9? Could someone please explain, Sorry I know this sounds silly :look:

No idea about how to tell the difference between them, i'll be honest, i've only ever seen the green and gold varieties. Do they all grow to the same size? if so i think you could add one or two more but i wouldn't add three...
if i'm not mistaken, the Geophagus Tapajos grow to about 5 inches so 8 of those will take up quite a bit of space. As for size i would try to get sevs that are as close to 6 inches as possible to try to reduce any aggression.
You can faintly see one stripe on the tail there will be another on its shoulder running through the red and the last stripe runs through its eye.
Sorry i dont give advise on stocking as i dont go by the book.
Oh and it looks like a very nice rotkeil.
I think the big Red Necks are a hybrid between Rotkeil and a normal green Efaciatus because my mate bred them together and its off spring looks like a huge rotkeil with 9 bars.

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