My sad little 180l tank is full of lonely little souls
and I am trying to think of a solution to creating shoals without mentally over stocking.
Current inhabitents:
7 dwarf chain loach**
1 Laeacara dorisigera (red breasted acara female) - Born here
1 black skirt tetra - given to me - tank shutdown
3 red platies (male - females are in another tank) - given to me tank shutdown
2 rummy nose tetra *
1 glowlight tetra *
1 cardinal **
2 black phantom tetra
3 five banded barbs **
1 emporer tetra **
* These 3 were rescued from a dreadful tank 4 years ago and were adult size then, I recently lost the other glowlight to old age (I believe)
** these are the survivors from a tank rescue a couple of years ago where all the fish were sick
The cardinal in particular does not look "happy" there was more but my laeacara theyeri babies had bigger mouths than I thought
and the glowlight has been pretty miserable hiding since his friend passed away.
The tank is heavily planted with amazon sword, java fern and moss, anubias and lots and lots of wood so I barely see anyone.
Current inhabitents:
7 dwarf chain loach**
1 Laeacara dorisigera (red breasted acara female) - Born here
1 black skirt tetra - given to me - tank shutdown
3 red platies (male - females are in another tank) - given to me tank shutdown
2 rummy nose tetra *
1 glowlight tetra *
1 cardinal **
2 black phantom tetra
3 five banded barbs **
1 emporer tetra **
* These 3 were rescued from a dreadful tank 4 years ago and were adult size then, I recently lost the other glowlight to old age (I believe)
** these are the survivors from a tank rescue a couple of years ago where all the fish were sick
The cardinal in particular does not look "happy" there was more but my laeacara theyeri babies had bigger mouths than I thought
The tank is heavily planted with amazon sword, java fern and moss, anubias and lots and lots of wood so I barely see anyone.