Scummy Layer On Water Surface


Mostly New Member
Jan 27, 2014
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Hi, relative newb to the whole CO2 thing here, and although my plants seem to be doing really well on a combination of a bit of Flourish Excel and CO2 daily (only during daylight), I now seem to have a sort of oily, scummy layer on the surface of the water. Nothing seems to be affected by this so I don't think it's having a particularly detremental effect on the fish, but I'm a bit concerned anyway. I've never experienced this before so it must have something to do with this new regime. Anybody had any experience of this? Where am I going wrong?
For the record, my tank is a Rio 125, Ammonia: 0, Nitrite: 0, Nitrate: trace, pH: 7
could you point the flow of the filter to disturb the surface of the water this might clear it :) 
i have the same and have asked many questions about it most people say its because the plants are stressed and they are lacking in something ive tried many things and like you my plants are doing really well but it never seems to go away so i just live with it, i have found move surface movement does dispurse it more but its still there even if you can see it.

Have a read on aqua essentials Richard has written a really good article on it.

Hope this helps
I get an oily layer on the water surface when a fish dies
I did used to get an oily layer (or protein) but when I got Black Mollys it went because they eat the water surface.
ok so i have the love fish panorama kit from pets at home i have two of these tanks they r supplied with a crappy filter that does not move the water surface at all but since its my betta i tested and params are still fine so im not bothered but in my other i had the same surface scum like an slick and i changed the filter and gone everythings great now put in an airstone to move the surface more or a wave maker
Provide good water circulation for more water surface agitation. Oily films are usually from food, excess slime produces by fish, dead fish, excess ammonia, bacteria or a bad filtration system. Spreading paper towels on top or putting floating plants also help. Prolonged oily water surface produces stinking water

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