Scary Past Few Days

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Jun 28, 2011
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, UK
Hi All

I set up my nano (12ltr) shrimp tank, added the spare piece of filter media (my orignal seed) into the filter, used some of the gravel from the old tank, added the marimo balls from the other tank, and then transferred the shrimp over.

This was last friday. Everyone seemed happy and water stats were fine.

Sunday, I added 5 cherries from the LFS... Monday night, I could hear something weird. I turned the lights on to find the shrimp all at the top and trying to flip out of the water.I immediately assumed lack of O2 and turned on the bubbles. Tested the water, all stats as usual (0-0-10/20)..

Woke up the next morning, all bar 10 cherries dead (which are currently sat in a jug of dechlorinated water with the moss balls.

I don't know whats going on. It's very upsetting and I don't know whats wrong. The only thing I've noticed was the water had gone slightly cloudy (very marginal, but I could tell). Could this have been a bacterial bloom?

I'm seriously stumped and I darent add fresh water to the tank to add the shrimp to :( What should I do?

Did you use any copper treatment in the other tanks. Maybe transferred over in the media and gravel.
Sound like a contamination of sorts. Maybe something got into your water supply, enough to annoy sensitive shrimps.
I was going to get some moss balls for my shrimp but I was warned against them as sometimes they're treated with a pesticide before importation.
Maybe that's what happened to yours.
I had a mass die off of my cherries last week, I'd bought some new plants, washed them as I always do then planted them.
Looked at the tank 20 mins later & all my shrimp (50+) were dead or dying :(
I'm convinced it was something on the plants
I've had the moss balls for well over a year... I think it might be the plant I got from Pets At Home... Was already well planted on a piece of resin that looked like a tree... With no addition of copper treatments, it's eaither something in the water that the test kit doesn't pick up, or the plant... I'm putting my money on the plant...

Will take it out, flush the gravel and try again when I get in from work tonight :(

Really nervous....
I had a massive die off in my shrimp tank in the spring. I had 237 rcs when the die off started. When it was done I had <10. I'm now back up to 167. I have no idea what caused it. I didn't do anything different. Sorry for your loss. Hope it turns around soon.
Binned the danger plant and cleaned the gravel. Set the tank up again with fresh water, and only using the marimo moss balls for now. Day 2 and everything seems ok so far.... Will give it a week and if everything seems stable then I'll see about getting some more, and see if anyone on here is selling any moss
Why not just QT the suspect plant, if it is still alive? QTing plants has been a hot topic this year, because of chemicals that might be getting used on plants, it was covered by PFK after some shrimp keepers has mass extinctions.

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