New Member
I am a reasonably experienced fishkeeper (15 years) but I am stumped by something that has recently happened to one of my tanks. Maybe someone can see something I am not seeing.
Three months ago, I stocked my 38 gallon tall, which has two large pieces of mopani wood and a few plastic plants in it for hiding spaces and decoration (there is plenty of swimming space), with 30 small fish...10 tiger barbs, 10 green tiger barbs, and 10 cherry barbs. For a month or so they were OK. Then, one by one, they disappeared. There was no sign of illness in the tank and no sign of aggression. They just disappeared. I am now left with one tiger barb and one cherry barb.
Water parameters are as follows after a 50% water change and treatment with SeaChem Prime to dechlorinate:
pH 7.4
NH4 0.50
NO2 0
NO3 20
GH 107
KH 90
I have NH4 in my fresh tapwater at 2.0; I pulled the 2014 water quality report for my town and they report chlorine at 0.44 ppm and chloramine at 3.03 ppm so that somewhat jives with what I'm seeing on my tests.
I got all the fish at a large online retailer...could I just have gotten a bad batch? I just can't figure this out. I want to restock, but...well...I'm SCARED!
Three months ago, I stocked my 38 gallon tall, which has two large pieces of mopani wood and a few plastic plants in it for hiding spaces and decoration (there is plenty of swimming space), with 30 small fish...10 tiger barbs, 10 green tiger barbs, and 10 cherry barbs. For a month or so they were OK. Then, one by one, they disappeared. There was no sign of illness in the tank and no sign of aggression. They just disappeared. I am now left with one tiger barb and one cherry barb.
Water parameters are as follows after a 50% water change and treatment with SeaChem Prime to dechlorinate:
pH 7.4
NH4 0.50
NO2 0
NO3 20
GH 107
KH 90
I have NH4 in my fresh tapwater at 2.0; I pulled the 2014 water quality report for my town and they report chlorine at 0.44 ppm and chloramine at 3.03 ppm so that somewhat jives with what I'm seeing on my tests.
I got all the fish at a large online retailer...could I just have gotten a bad batch? I just can't figure this out. I want to restock, but...well...I'm SCARED!