I recently got back into aquarium keeping with three planted nano tanks in my office. I have 2 five gallon tanks each with one betta and one assassin snail (though i'd like more, I'm not having a lot of luck with them!) and a 2.5 gallon with 8 baby red ramshorn snails (I will be getting a larger tank for them soon)
I hope to learn more about low-tech planted tanks, stubborn cycles (the littlest tank has nitrite levels that are just appalling - I call them 'goofy grape' - I do 60-80% changes and the grape color is back within 3 hours. Ammonia is fine (between 0ppm and .25 ppm - the .25 is from my source water and chloramines- and do have a bit of nitrate. Can't figure what GIVES. ) and assassin snails.
I hope to learn more about low-tech planted tanks, stubborn cycles (the littlest tank has nitrite levels that are just appalling - I call them 'goofy grape' - I do 60-80% changes and the grape color is back within 3 hours. Ammonia is fine (between 0ppm and .25 ppm - the .25 is from my source water and chloramines- and do have a bit of nitrate. Can't figure what GIVES. ) and assassin snails.