Sand Substrate Problems


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2011
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I've had sand as substrate (CaribSea brand) for several months now, and I'm happy with it, but some problems have arisen in the last three or so months and I'm not sure how to deal with them.

1: Brown algae has begun growing on the glass below the substrate line, it isn't on the glass above the substrate however. And because the sand is white, it is very noticeable. I can't think of any way to get rid of it other than chemicals, which I don't want to introduce. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to be rid of it.(Other than scrubbing it away every time I do a water change - as it grows back within the week)

2: I've noticed that the sand is starting to clump, like litter in a litter box would. It's not the prettiest to look at as it makes the bottom of the tank look less uniform than I would like. I was wondering if anyone could tell me why this is happening and how to get rid of it.

The temperature of the tank is between 77-80 depending on the time of day, as the whole house fluctuates with the temperature so it's hard to control.
The pH is high at 8.2, and the water is pretty hard.
The tank is fully cycled with stock listed in my signature.

Please help me, all I want is a pretty, maintenance and chemical light tank :p
Hi, I used sand as a substrate back when I had a community tank and experienced your problem 1 and 2.

1) The discolouration can be removed by mixing the sand with a long stick in this area. However to stop it happening try to slope the sand at the front to a level below the lower lip of the base. If you want to keep the sand deep at the front you could try masking up one inch then paint a strip of black.

2) The clumping is also unsightly. I used to syphon it up with a half inch bore pipe into a bucket. I saved it and at water change time I rinsed the clumped sand then put it back in.

Sand is a bit more of a work up to keep it nice but is well worth the effort over cheap gravel!
Interesting read guy's, I have sand, and now I know what to do..........thanks
I have unipac limpopo and stir mine weekly and that seems to keep it nice. No problems with it yet.
Ah, right this is black sand, at first I thought it was some sort of disease,, think I will do that then Thanks.......... :good:
i have trumpet snails, they live in the sand during the day stiring it all up for you

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