Yes, I heard about the possibility of adding molly as algae cleaning machines in reef tanks, so what is the first thing I do to try to save my hair algae infested tank, OFF TO THE FISH STORE! Added a high finned white molly that what listed under the Sphenops species, and an orange creamsicle lyretail with a medium fin. Heard many mixed reviews on acclimation, some say getting them to temperature and doing a quick drop right into the water, as long acclimation just adds stress time. I couldn't bring myself to do an instant drop, so I drip acclimated them very slowly over 12 hours. They seemed to be doing quite well, woke up the next morning, and the high finned white molly had passed in the night, I imagine from misacclimation. Lyretail still going strong 5 days later, took him a day of being scared in the corner, now he is roaming the tank, unfortunately eating pods instead of algae, which I imagined from the Lyretail variation, was figuring the white one would be the bigger algae eater.
Anyways, may try to acclimate a couple more pretty soon, I would like a sailfin with some nice coloration for under the blue lights, although this guy looks pretty neat, I don't like the long fins in the saltwater environment. Also I would like to note, not sure if it is because of the light, but since in the saltwater he seems to have started to slightly change coloration, with a little more texturing and such, I have heard other people mention this as well.
Anyways, may try to acclimate a couple more pretty soon, I would like a sailfin with some nice coloration for under the blue lights, although this guy looks pretty neat, I don't like the long fins in the saltwater environment. Also I would like to note, not sure if it is because of the light, but since in the saltwater he seems to have started to slightly change coloration, with a little more texturing and such, I have heard other people mention this as well.