After using about 168mg Fluke-solve for aquariums on my tank (which can take up to 50 litres, and I realised I only had 42 in there...) on the 13th January, I'm considering trying out Chanaverm (which contains Levamisole Hydrochloride, not just base Levamisole like I first thought). Question is, is it safe to go ahead and use the Chanaverm without fully clearing out Fluke-solve? They are completely different medications, and contain different antibiotics (Fluke-solve contains Praziquantel), and the main website does state that Fluke-solve should get the job done if no major water changes are done for four weeks (it's not one of those remove-as-quickly-as-possible meds, although I do conduct 8-10 litre changes once a week). It is also my understanding that after treating with any Levamisole-based product, a large water change should be conducted anyway, not least because it helps remove any paralysed parasites.