Ruby Barbs And Other Stocking Options


Fish Fanatic
Jul 15, 2012
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Looking to add 6 Ruby Barbs into my 100l community tank along with 4 (soon to be 6) Zebra Loaches a Featherfin Catfish and a Lace Catfish, just wandering what some of your guys experiences with them are? Been reading up on them and been told that they're not fin nippers like Tiger Barbs. Also would 6 be my maximum or could I add a couple more to them as my LSF are selling them 4 for £15 or £5 each so if I can get away with 8 then I will.

Also looking to add a couple more fish though I'm not sure yet, thinking gouramis or rams, or would the Ruby Barbs be the limit? And would these peaceful, shy fish be happy in a tank with lively barbs?

Suggestions would be welcomed :) Thanks!
They are less nippy than tigers. I prefer them all round to be honest. They are relatively big schoolers for a 100l though. Might limit your totals as they'd probably take a good half of your stocking so I'd stick to the 6 unless you were happy to lose some of the rest of your list. The 2 synodontis you mention are lovely fish, but long lived and quite large. They'll probably be too big for that tank you're looking at sadly.

I'm getting more interested in the loaches, lots of people keeping them, but from what I've read they'll prefer faster flowing water, on the cooler end, the temperature will suit the barbs but the flow would not. You may get away with a compromise middle flow that's got lots of hiding places though, but I'd not go for the synos in that mix.
Yeah I did think that would be the case, they do end up as relatively chunky fish so they're not one of the smaller groups of shoaling species. Though I've always wanted barbs but been put off by their fin nipping reputation but when I found out about these guys I was pretty happy, even better when I found my LSF stocks them because I don't think they're a particularly common fish to sell in my experience.

I do agree about the two synos, unfortunately I brought them when I was a newbie not realising what they actually were and how big they'd get, had the featherfin for around 7 years in a 50 liter and the Lace Catfish around 5 years in the same tank. As you can imagine they're alot happier now they've moved, though I am aware that really I should be looking at a 200 liter minimum for the pair of them.

And the loaches are really interesting! Kept one (once again a newbie mistake) on it's own in the 50 liter for a few years before moving him in and introducing a few more, much more social in a group so I'm looking forward to getting a couple more in after the Ruby Barbs. Will have more than enough hiding places by the time I've finished the layout of the tank but the flow isn't great right now, the filters built in so other than the surface agitation it doesn't effect the rest of the tank much though once the rest of the plants and rock are in I'll be putting in an air stone which will help.

Thanks for the reply!

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