Looking to add 6 Ruby Barbs into my 100l community tank along with 4 (soon to be 6) Zebra Loaches a Featherfin Catfish and a Lace Catfish, just wandering what some of your guys experiences with them are? Been reading up on them and been told that they're not fin nippers like Tiger Barbs. Also would 6 be my maximum or could I add a couple more to them as my LSF are selling them 4 for £15 or £5 each so if I can get away with 8 then I will.
Also looking to add a couple more fish though I'm not sure yet, thinking gouramis or rams, or would the Ruby Barbs be the limit? And would these peaceful, shy fish be happy in a tank with lively barbs?
Suggestions would be welcomed
Also looking to add a couple more fish though I'm not sure yet, thinking gouramis or rams, or would the Ruby Barbs be the limit? And would these peaceful, shy fish be happy in a tank with lively barbs?
Suggestions would be welcomed