Room Light On Fish Light Off


New Member
Mar 5, 2012
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Hey people, First post but long time reader :D

I've run into a problem, I've moved my fish tank to my friends store which leaves it's lights on 24.7 but we turn the fish tank lights off ,would this affect the fish at all?
hmmmm, difficult to tell. Fish certainly need a period of low/no light so that they can rest. I guess it depends how bright the shop lights illuminate the tank.
You might consider creating a black-out curtain for night but if you do be very careful of a couple of things: be careful that some cloth or other material doesn't wick water out of the tank and secondly, be careful of course not to drape over something that could get hot or could cause an electrical problem. This doesn't address the problem of having somebody actual put the thing on in the evening!

One of my friends has got a new vertical tank, (180x40x40) and he has it in his living room, where he has all the lights on all the time. (Why? He is weird :p)
What he did was created a U shaped cover out of thin wood (you can use cardboard or any other hard material) and painted it black. Now, when the fish want to rest, he just puts the board around the tank, which closes it down from the lights. It works great since it cant overheat equipment and doesn't let light trough! :)
One of my friends has got a new vertical tank, (180x40x40) and he has it in his living room, where he has all the lights on all the time. (Why? He is weird :p)
What he did was created a U shaped cover out of thin wood (you can use cardboard or any other hard material) and painted it black. Now, when the fish want to rest, he just puts the board around the tank, which closes it down from the lights. It works great since it cant overheat equipment and doesn't let light trough! :)

awesome, i made a nice one with the store name on the board so the fish can have some rest. Thanks alot, i was getting worried for them, you grow pretty attached to the fish after having them in ur life for awhile
Your welcome! ;) Yes you get attached to your fish after a while, even tough "it's just fish" we all still love them. ;) Nice addition with the store logo! I hope the fish like their new night cover ;)

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