Roma 125 Re-Scape


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2010
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Hi all :)
So I've just slightly rescaped my tank, although some bits still need a bit of a clean (I have quite a few snails atm) but thought I'd share a pic and see what people think!

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My current stock is as followed;
10 cardinal tetras
4 glowlight tetras (possibly being rehomed)
6 leopard cories
I'm going for a low light set up dosing ferts which seems to be going fairly well at the moment but i might add some vallis behind my main piece if bogwood on the back left of the tank.
Any thoughts on what I could improve and some stocking ideas please? I'm currently looking for a centerpiece fish, I've had rams before but would like something slightly different, any thoughts welcome :)
Nice tank! I love your bogwood, I can't ever seem to find any like that around where I live :-( as for the centerpiece how about a dwarf gourami, a red one would look good with all of the blue from your cardinals ;-) or a pair of kribensis? I have Bolivian rams in my 40gal ;-)
I agree with Laurac about getting a Dwarf Gourami, it would go  very nicely. :)
halfmanhalffish said:
Nice tank! I have a couple of honey gouramis, which are very nice, peaceful fish.
I agree on the dwarf Gouramis. Halfmanhalffish, which is the fish half? Top or bottom?
I think 3-4 more glowlight would be better. + 1 on the dwarf gourami.
Thanks guys for the comments so far :)

I am probably going to re home my glowlights to possibly make room for some more cardinal tetras.

I quite like the idea of dwarf gouramis, how many do you think I could get? Or any other fish you'd recommend as I'm quite open at the moment!
If you can get females 1 males 2-3 females would be good. 2 males will fight I think.
I've been doing some research today, been looking at dwarf gouramis and as nice as they look I'm a tad unsure of them to be honest so don't think they will be top of the list just yet.

I was looking at a jewel cichlid but after some research I think they will be too aggressive towards my other smaller fish, is that correct?

What other fish would you guys recommend?
love the scape, needs more plants imo though (can never have enough)  more crypts at  the font maybe  and vaills would look good but iv found it very invasive might be an idea to try a stem of somesort? 
I agree Mike, the more plants the better but being a low tech setup might make things a tad difficult!

I had some twisted vallis before which died very quickly but then straight vallis coped very well but didn't spread out much either. I will probably try some vallis at the back left of the tank and then let thibgs grow out before I do anything else planting wise.

Just trying to think of new stocking ideas atm :/
have a look on the planted journals in the near future, in about a week or so im setting up a asian biotope low tech but heavily planted  why not a dwarf cichlid? 
Nice one Mike, I will definitely keep a close eye out for that and have a good old read.

I've had a gbr before and having a look around my lfs I don't know if it's just the ones around me but the cichlids don't seem very active, they tend to be quite shy and hide away but that might just be my lfs.

I have had my eye on a jewel cichlid but after reading about how aggressive they can be I think that's out of the question.

What about a peacock goby? I've seen quite a few of those recently and they look very interesting and the kind of centrepiece fish that I'm after.
Do you reckon I could get a pair of peacock gobys and a pair of dwarf gouramis if I rehomed my glowlight tetras?

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