River Bed


New Member
Aug 28, 2013
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Hi guys, I'm new here and this is my first ever fish tank. Appreciate any comment or advise on how to improve my tank. Thanks.
5 Cardinal Tetra
6 Gold Tetra
8 Amber Tetra
2 Lamp Eye Tetra
2 Blue Platy
2 Panda Platy
2 Red Platy
2 Yellow Guppies
1 White Balloon Molly
Welcome to the forum, MZ.
How big is your tank and how long has it been running?
Hi fluttermothhttp://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/user/62066-fluttermoth/. Mine is a 3ft by 1.5ft by 1.5ft and it has been running for about 2 months.

Sorry guys, here's the pic of my tank.
28082013 pic 2.jpg
Welcome to the forum, MZ69!
I like what you've done with your tank - natural looking, good work.
What's the floaty bit right of centre?
Hi fm1978, thanks for your comment.
The floaty thingy in the middle are actually floating plants. One of them is water hyacinth and the other I do not know the name. Also, there is a twig floating with the plants.
Floting plants 3.jpg
Close up 2.jpg

Updated pic.


  • River Bed Tank.jpg
    River Bed Tank.jpg
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Ah, cool, water hyacinth. Might try to get some, it's quite lovely!
You know, I think the other one you have, going by that new pic, could be aquatic banana plant - nymphoides aquatica. I have lots of it and it grows like mad!
I have google in using images and I have found out that the plant is actually Lugwigia Sedoides or commonly called Mosaic Plant. It's a cool looking plant.
Ahh, I've misunderstood, I thought the flat floating plant was the hyacinth and the lighter green one was the one you didn't know, hehe!
Sorry, my mistake! I like them both though. My 2 dwarf gourami boys might like that to build bubble nests...
beautiful tank! i like how it looks like a forest on one side and opens up on the other
Beautiful Tank!
Well done for your first effort!
I'm so jealous of the fact that that's your first tank and it looks that good. :p None of mine have looked that good, and I'm on my 6th tank! :no:
Very lovely tank, a bit jealous really..sorry I'm not sure on the stocking :/

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