Ripped Tail


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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Yesterday I brought home two new guppy males.

This morning when I turned on the lights I noticed that one of them is missing a good chunk of its tail. Its an absolute perfect straight 90 degree rectangular piece missing... so, I am assuming its somehow got cut off... no idea how but seeing as its not jagged... I would assume its not fin rot. He is absolutely fine otherwise and I have no reason to think he is being harassed in any way (all male guppy tank and I only have 5 other males in there).

Will it grow back in time? I have slightly salted water so I am guessing that should be enough to keep it from developing any issues.
Yesterday I brought home two new guppy males.

This morning when I turned on the lights I noticed that one of them is missing a good chunk of its tail. Its an absolute perfect straight 90 degree rectangular piece missing... so, I am assuming its somehow got cut off... no idea how but seeing as its not jagged... I would assume its not fin rot. He is absolutely fine otherwise and I have no reason to think he is being harassed in any way (all male guppy tank and I only have 5 other males in there).

Will it grow back in time? I have slightly salted water so I am guessing that should be enough to keep it from developing any issues.
Male guppies often fight between each other though...
males smetimes attack eachother due to dominance and territorial problems. let them settle but if it keeps continuing to happen, then get one rehomed. The tail will heal and you can use melafix to speed up the healing for him.
I should have posted again yesterday... whatever caused the original tear (still not observed any aggression), it has turned into a nasty and quick case of tail rot. I am currently treating him (and the male tank just in case its contagious) and hoping he makes it. He is now missing about half his tail and the rest of it has gone clear. He is a very sad sight.
I've had to euthanize him as he started pine coning and I didn't want him to suffer just because I wanted him to live.

Am now trying to be preventative in hopes that nothing has spread to the others in the tank by doing big daily water changes... that is the plan so far.
I'd love to have had it that simple, but the fraying and disintegrating tail after the initial tear, coupled with the losing of color of the tail would seem to suggest otherwise.

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