Rescued mollies late last night I think there sick!


New Member
Nov 17, 2016
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the house I rescued it from had there electric turned off so fish had no air and nasty water.Lady had a 5 gallon filter on a 20 gallon tank.

So far 1 molly has died.

I have 3 left that I rescued.1 is in a tank by itself cause it's staying at bottom of tank..It's eating but not getting far from bottom of tank it waits till the food lands on bottom to eat it..The fish that died had red spot on belly and one by it's fin..someone said it looked like septicemia.

So here is what ive done:
added the 2 healthy looking fish to my established 29 gallon tank and fed them.
The one by itself Ive fed and treated with bactershield.Ive only done 1 treatment so far.

Just rescued fish yesterday..Pic is of molly in tank by itself.


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TBH adding fish that may well be sick to an established tank is asking for trouble. I know you did it with the best of intentions but you are risking any fish that are already in that tank. The fish look like balloon mollies which due to their inbreeding are probably less hardy than normal bodied mollies. Until you can determine what if any diseases they are suffering from, good quality water is probably the best treatment.

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