Rescaping Betta Tanks


Fish Aficionado
Pet of the Month 🎖️
2x Tank of the Month🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Mar 22, 2020
Reaction score
North America
I already rescaped Cheriko's 5 gallon



Franklin's 3.5g, this one isn't done yet. I should be getting his new light in a couple days to replace his crummy weak one and new plants will be added. I also have some more clay pots coming in the mail too, so thinking of using those to scape his tank.

But this is his sorry little home right now:
I'm still waiting on the new light, but added the new pots and made his home a bit prettier for him

Terrible photo, ill get a better one once his new light arrives tomorrow.
Love the before and the after, really nice tank and betta in there!
Question is background. Above shows a black background.

Here's white.
I prefer the dark background too, think Frankie's colours show better against it, and it contrasts nicely with the lighter substrate, while the white background/pale substrate combo is too much whiteness. But, it's your tank! Go with whichever you prefer :)

I wanted to ask before, but didn't want to pry... but can't resist any longer... the cat in the photo above the tank - is she wearing a shark costume?? :fish:
I prefer the dark background too, think Frankie's colours show better against it, and it contrasts nicely with the lighter substrate, while the white background/pale substrate combo is too much whiteness. But, it's your tank! Go with whichever you prefer :)

I wanted to ask before, but didn't want to pry... but can't resist any longer... the cat in the photo above the tank - is she wearing a shark costume?? :fish:
Nah, thats my old childhood cat. She would roll around in the grocery bags after we did groceries and would wear the bag like that. She would walk around all proudly like it was her regal royal gown.
Nah, thats my old childhood cat. She would roll around in the grocery bags after we did groceries and would wear the bag like that. She would walk around all proudly like it was her regal royal gown.
I love how our animals all have their quirks!! That's awesome that you have a photo of her wearing one :lol: Has made me resolve to take my camera on dog walks to capture my dog obsessively chasing leaves. Autumn is her favourite season, because her favourite thing in the world (other than me, and food) is chasing falling leaves. I have to stand and throw leaves for her, and I don't have photos or video of her doing it, so I must take some.

Glad I was right that it was a girl! I was like "he? she?" but looking at her head, I thought female. You can see why I thought it was a shark costume though, right?? lmao

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