Rescaped My Tank

Jul 9, 2011
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St. Louis
Finally did an overhaul of my malawi tank. I'm a little happier with it, but I am still struggling to get the natural look I want.




I was happy that my fishies actually came out for the pictures.
odd place for a thermometer :blink:

IMO it might help to use one type of rock rather than the mix match pile of them. It looks like one of those rocks is even one of the artificial type ones that look like dried up playdoh with holes drilled in it

not that it looks bad, just throwing in my two cents in regards to getting a natural look.
If it was my tank I would do the following:

  • Move the thermometer to one of the sides.
  • Either move the heater so it is almost horizontal, raised slightly at the gauge end, down behind the rocks with the cable coming out of the tank behind the filter pipe or move it over to the filter pipe so it's more hidden.
  • Try and use the same type of rocks and add some more along the back to form a wall effect.

I'm one of these people who hate to see equipment in the tank but if there's no other option then it's best to try and either hide it or group it together if possible. Lastly, if you haven't already, search online for images of the fish in their nature habitat to give you some pointers :)
Thanks everyone for the input. This tank has been a work in progress for over a year lol. Most of the rocks i found, but I didn't have quite enough. The artificial ones are temporary till I make my next park run. The thermometer was moved temporarily as I was refilling the tank after the water change. My husband is till working on the background.
I just grabbed a crapload of granite from the local quarry for 2 dollars, and I've got more than what I can put in the tank. Just an option, though going through a park or something does sound a bit more fun (to me, anyway,) it just seems harder to find the same kind of rock.

Here's how mine turned out with the granite chunks from the quarry:

They sell this stuff for 30 dollars a ton, there.
The park that i went to had a lot of loose rock from when they blew out hills to make roads. most of it is the same rock, i just didn't grab enough when i went
It'll actually be ok , not perfect but workable, Mbuna need far less space between than you would think, if they can wiggle between they will prefer to be there fin to rock believe it or not.
Tighten up the stack a tad and add bit more.. not bad at all just a bit short and overly gapped.
Build it taller and tighter if its pure Mbuna. still leave a small bit of open water, trust me.

I use all fake rock in my tanks, not cheap looking stuff though.. i use these almost 100% Stones.. that is not a concern.. just make sure the gaps are only just big enough to squeeze through And the stack is stable as fake rocks move easy. add allot of choices for em, this will make for happy fish.

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