Requirements For Blasting Media?


Fish Crazy
Apr 26, 2012
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A few quick questions about blasting media.

Okay, so I was told that "Black Diamond" blasting media is okay for fish tanks, why?

I know that not all blasting media works because of some of the stuff they put in it, what is that stuff?

I may be able to get some free black blasting media for my fish tanks I just need to know if it's okay to use! It'll be used before I get it, is that okay?

Last question, can plants grow in it?

When I get some more information about the stuff I will be getting I'll post it here!

Thanks :)
A quick Google, turned this up...

"Black Beauty Abrasives Black beauty abrasives also known as coal slag, black diamond, black blast and boiler slag is an inexpensive media. It is one of the safer forms of abrasive media, containing less than 1% or no silica. Black beauty media also produces little dust, however, may release hazardous air pollutants (HAP) into the surrounding air.

Black Beauty abrasives are made from crushed liquid coal slag from utility boilers. The abrasive contains iron (Fe), Aluminum (Al), Magnesium (Mg) and Calcium (Ca). The media comes in sharp angular grains ranging in many sizes including coarse, medium, fine and extra fine grained. The coarser grains can be used to remove heavy rust and provide a high degree of profile, good for coating attachment and bonding. The finer grains can be used for cleaning surfaces and for smoothing surfaces. The media is used on many applications including steel, buildings, railroads and bridges. Coal slag is a fast-cutting media with a hardness of 6-7 on the Moh's hardness scale. The media is non-recyclable."

Definitely don't use it after its been used, it will be contaminated with many foreign, possibly dangerous substances.

Personally, I wouldn't use it at all.
Thank you! I can get it for free, but if it's at all unsafe for my fish then I don't want to use it. I was especially unsure about it having been used. For one of the tanks it will be in I will be getting cories eventually so that's deffinitely not okay. I was told "we throw it away after one use, I could porbably get you some of that for free!"

I have heard that playsand is cheap and usable(haven't gotten that since I was 5ish so i wouldn't know lol), and that pool filter sand is also inexpensive and safe, so I think I'll get some of that. It will have a more natural look anyways.

Thanks again.
That's good. Right now my tanks are empty, and I'm broke, so I may be taking a short break from fishkeeping until I get my 55 Gallon. I will continue reading the forum, and asking questions dispite not having fish.
That's a good thing to do, lots of research, before setting up a new tank. Ask all the questions you need, someone will generally get to them. If not pm me.
My first betta was a gift, I wasn't allowed to have fish until then, so I never really had a chance to do the research before getting them. I only started researching bettas at all because I wanted to breed them, that's when I realized almost everything I'd been told was wrong. Thanks for the offer, I will pm you if I have questions that don't get answered!

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