Repeated Fish Deaths


New Member
Jul 25, 2012
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I have previously kept tropical fish years ago and recently decided to take up the hobby again. I purchased a bow fronted 180 litre tank 2nd hand from ebay including a number of fish. The tank was set up using half of the old water and half new treated tap water. The in tank filter and heater have been run in tandem with an Eheim external 250 pro filter and external heater whilst the bacteria in the new filter was built up.
I recently added 4 black mollies to the already established 2 silver dollars,2 silver sharks,angel fish,3 golden gourami,2 blue gourami,3 black phantom,1 upside down fish,1 mollie, numerous tetras.
History over

Over the last 5 days I have had 1 fish a day die daily. Firstly a neon tera then 2 of the new mollies followed by a black fin tetra and today a female golden Gourami.

I have tested the water levels using a tetra test 6in1 and all is within limits. I also did a 20% water change this week as it was due.

Anyone help out and put on track to solving and preventing more unnecessary deaths?

Hopefully it is not something I am doing or have done wrong.

Cheers in hope of help

I don't see anything right off hand that you did wrong, assuming water stats are good (which you checked). Was there a big water temperature change during the water change? (I doubt it)

Did you acclimate the new fish before putting them in?
The water temp didn't change at all during the water change, and the fish were acclimatised but only 10 minutes as the transfer between tanks was only 10 minutes or so. Its some of the fish that have been in there for a while that have got me confused on the deaths and worried that I have missed something obvious or need to do something quickly to prevent more!
Keep doing regular water changes with de-chlorinated water until you can prove what the exact ammonia and nitrite readings are, test strips are notoriously innacurate and alot of fishkeepers these days recommend a liquid based test kit (you mentioned you used to do it, how did you test back then?).
There is,potentially, alot of fish in the tank you mention... it could be put down to the stress of a move, but only a proper water test result can answer it.
keep us informed though, and best of luck :good:

What are you calling "within limits" as regards the test strip results?

My gut instinct is that your test strips are telling lies, they have a horribly inaccurate reputation, or your definition of "within limits" is not being accpeted by the fish.

Personally, I would do a ~95% water change ASAP, removing all but enough water fo to cover the fish (having given the heater at least 10 minutes to cool down after disconnecting from the mains).

There are issues with your stocking, but keeping the fish alive is the priority right now.

Get yourself a liquid test kit when feasible, the results will be far more meaningful than those strips.

Good luck!
Thanks guys for the advice, I will get take some samples of water to the local shop for testing until I get hold of a kit.

Just out of interest what are the issues with the stocking?


There's a lot of it..maybe not for your filtration, but certainly a lot for a tank of your size. I would be looking at 200L plus for some of your fish.

Its been a week now and I have not had another fish die. Looks as though the massive water change and repeated cycling has worked, thanks for the advice! Think maybe I should have run the two filters in tandem for longer to ensure the bacteria was fully built up in the new filter. I have found a local fish shop that has taken the gouramis, silver sharks and silver dollars off me for a credit note. I now have the following fish:
8 neon tetras
6 balloon red platys
1 angel fish
2 black mollys
1 orange molly
1 upside down fish
11 other tetra (not sure what exactly.

Prefer the smaller fish to those that have gone now. I would like a few more mid level dwelling fish but am unsure to the maximum amount of small fish this 180 liter tank can cope with? Any tips on mid level dwellers and the max number of fish I should have?



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