Redoing Tanks. Stocking Help And General Advise Please


Jun 10, 2013
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Unfortunately, I won't be getting my bigger tank after all
 Not until we move in the next year and a half anyway.
So, I am now in the process of redoing a few of my tanks.
My 35g (100x30x40cm) currently holds:
-1 Angelfish
-1 Firemouth
-1 Senegal Bichir
-2 Bristlenose Plecos
A bit overstocked, I know, I know.
Ideally, I would like to keep the angel and Senegal but I'm not sure if this is tall enough for angels or not. Some sites say it is and some say it isn't so any help on that would be appreciated. If it isn't big enough then I guess I will have to rehome him

Same for my Senegal is it too small?(I know it probably is). As long as I can keep them in here long term without stunting him (1-2 years) then I will be able to get them a bigger tank when we move but like I said, I don't want to stunt their growth during that time.
If it is a case of rehoming, how do you think I should restock my tank? I don't really like normal communities and prefer tanks with unusual predatory and oddball fish. And cichlids of course.
The more unusual and aggressive the better!
 Ideally I would like to have at least 3 different species.
I am then also looking to redo my 20g high (60x30x40cm) preferably with a CA theme. Something like about 5 guppies or 3 platies and then a small CA cichlid or two would be great but I am yet to find anything smaller than a rainbow cichlid so if a cichlid expert could suggest something, that would be helpful.
If there is no such thing as your friendly neighbourhood CA cichlid then I would like a similar to the 35g. (BLOODTHIRSTY PREDATORS) just minimised
 Maybe something like dwarf pikes?
Thanks for any replies in advance.
The recommended height for angels is 18"
I have no clue on sengals I am sorry I'm sure someone else will be along shortly and help you with that
Smaller than a rainbow?? Let me have a think and I will get back to you :)
Aww man that sucks :( it does happen though and is a lesson for fishkeepers to learn... I've been there :/
I agree with above on the Angels - and I dont think keeping the Bichir is the best option for you or them. It will limit the other fish you can keep and in the small size tank your not going to be able to find many fish that are in that size range that work for the tank and wont go in the bichirs mouth...
I cant think of any CA cichlid that would work in a 20g - Cryptoheros Nanoleutus? But Im not sure really.
Why not do CA in the 36 and keep the FM in there - Red Eye Tetras, Platies and Dwarf Hoplos if you can find them :)
Then do dwarf SA in the 20g - loads of options there, which ones do you like :)
To be honest, my Firemouth has gotten really boring and skittish with age hence why I wasn't too keen on keeping him

Ideally, I would like to just start from scratch but there are certain fish that I just can't bring myself to rehome. I've become really attached to my angelfish and Bichir

Is my 35 big enough for 1 or 2 proteus pike cichlids? I recently brought one for a friend and kept it in my tank for a week before he collected it and I found it really interesting. Failing that could I get maybe a trio of dwarf pikes instead? I think a pike themed setup would be cool with maybe a few robust tetras as tankmates?
How about this for the 35g?
-2 proteus pikes or 3-4 dwarf pikes
-6 robust aggressive tetras (ideas here please)
-2 Bristlenoses
-maybe a small predatory catfish? (4-8 inches) something like a pictus cat but less active.
Still not too sure about what to do with the 20g though

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