Red Zebra Cichild Injured Or Sick?


Mostly New Member
Aug 5, 2014
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I have a Red Zebra (It's Really Orange lol) who had a lump on the right side of his stomach, the inflammation went down but now it kinda looks like an open wound, he has been like this for about 2 weeks and doesn't seem to be getting any better, he seems to respond fine, he is eating ok, and moves normally so I have no clue what this could be.
could someone please help me out
No I havent used any medication. I think I might have to now. Ill look at the list to see what matches. Any recommendations off bat?
I have seen Maracyn recommended by others quite often if that helps.
I tired API Fungus cure and no dice. I, going to try Permafix next. Hopefully that works
Ended up using Pimafix and the 7 day treatment ends tomorrow. He has healed to almost 100%. He is looking great. So happy this stuff ended working out. Too bad rarely any1 on these forums replied
Glad he's ok.
People on this forum are great to help and reply but diagnosing illness online is pretty hard so i suspect most people decided not to reply rather than replying with a guess and possibly giving you bad or wrong advice -- they're all nice really
If i can match the pic with a picture online, it's not that hard to find the issue. Star4 was the only one that replied and thanks for that because i believe it was an ulcer. Just sad that he was the only one which responded. I really thought I would of had some more knowledgeable people on here. I very use to Car Forums so my bad if this comes out negative. 
regardless happy the fish is better and hopefully he will be ok once I put him back with the other Cichilds.
Great news :D. Sorry I couldnt of been more help with not knowing US meds its difficult. So glad you got the fish better :)
Yea no Problem man. You still helped out. I appreciate it!

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