Red Veiltail Betta Gaining Blue Highlights?


Mostly New Member
Dec 12, 2013
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I've got a red veiltail betta, I've had him for a couple of months now in a tank of about 5 gallons. He seems to be happy and healthy, although he's currently recovering from fin rot. 
I noticed a while ago that the tips of his ventral fins had gained a pale electric-ish blue highlight, which he didn't have when I first purchased him, and more recently I've noticed that he's got the same colour showing up where his body meets the cordal fin, with it flowing into his fins somewhat and a couple flecks on the anal fin. For what it's worth, he was never pure red; he's always had black flecks over his body, although I thought it might be black spot originally it turns out they're just his markings.  Is this a normal colour change, or a symptom of something? It doesn't look like an unhealthy colour, but I thought I should check to make sure.
Thanks for your help!
That sounds like perfectly normal color changing to me.  Bettas have a tendency to change colors out of the blue.  :)
Most veiltail bettas are usually a cocktail of various genes when it comes to color. So it's normal for them to change colorings sometimes.
Could you post a picture here?
My betta did something similar but the opposite colours. From what I've heard it's normal and just an imperfection in the genes (i.e. for breeding you would not want red with blue strands or vice versa).

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