Red Spotted Severum


Mostly New Member
Dec 30, 2013
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Hi all.. Can any please help me I have severum in my tank and he keeps laying on
His side ? I spoke to a chap in the fish shop I told him if I try to
Land him he darts of like there's no problem with him
So her said he doubts it's a swim bladder issue ??
Has any 1 else experienced this ?! I'm newish to
All this had my tank about 4 months!! any suggestions or
Or what possibly could be wrong with him would be great many
Thanks! rich!!
There could be many things wrong. Fish, like other prey species will hide the fact they are sick for as long as possible to avoid being eaten, so touching a fish that is lying on its side and it swimming off is not an indication its ok, its a natural reflex.
What size is the severum and what size tank do you have?
How is he breathing? rapid opening gills are well as mouth, or slow.
Is there any inflamation around the anus area?
Look at his sides (head on) is he flat both sides or is he bloating (sides sticking out - not scales)
Check his eyes, are they clear, is there any twitching or uncontrolable movement in the eyes?

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