Red Fire Gourami


New Member
Aug 4, 2012
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Hi there. I've got 10 l tank and red fire gourami ( male ) in there. He started to making a buble nest. What to do? Shall I put to him female gourami? Because in my other, bigger tank ( 90 l ) I'vegot different gouramis. I don't know what to do now.
It depends if you want - and have the facilities to look after - a bunch of baby gouramis! It might be best to just put the female in temporarily if you want them to breed.
When you say 10 l, do you mean 10 litres or a 10 gallon long tank?
If it's 10 litres, don't get a female. Male dwarf gouramis are pretty nasty toward females when they want to breed, and in a tank that size a female would have nowhere to hide. I personally think it is too small for a single male as well. I wouldn't even keep a betta in a tank that small, maybe some shrimps but that's all.
If you mean 10 gallon long, it's still to small for a pair, though a single male would be OK.
Yes, I agree, I didn't notice the size was litres. That is too small for these fish.
A 10 liter tank is too small for even a single Dwarf Gourami, a 10 gallon tank is the absolute minimum for a single fish. That's about 38 liters. :good:

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