Red eye tetra


New Member
Apr 12, 2017
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Hello...can someone maybe tell me what's going on with one of my fish..he's a red eyed tetra..he was fine last nite but today I found him swimming crazy and breathing hard...he's in a 55 gallon tank with 3 other RET and 6 tiger barbs,4 Bala sharks and one sucker fish they all seem fine but him...water levels are all fine
Hi there.

Sorry to hear of your poorly fish :(

I'm afraid 'fine' is of no use to us; can you post the actual numbers from all your tests, including pH and hardness, if you have them.

How long has the tank been set up? Was it cycled before you added fish and, if so, how did you do that?
Hi there.

Sorry to hear of your poorly fish :(

I'm afraid 'fine' is of no use to us; can you post the actual numbers from all your tests, including pH and hardness, if you have them.

How long has the tank been set up? Was it cycled before you added fish and, if so, how did you do that?

Nitrates 0
Nitrites 0
Ph 7.0
KH 80
GH 30

Tank has been set up for about 8 month..yes it was cycled using filter media from a different tank

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