Really want to save the Panda Corys


Oct 16, 2013
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I have just taken my bullied male honey gourami back to the shop where I got him from and when I was there I saw 3 panda Cory's that were on very hard and sharp stones. I looked closer and saw that there barbels were either gone or wearing away. I had a lot of will power and thought I would ask you guys before buying them and saving them from the shop.

In my 110 litre tank I now have
2 apistogramma cacatuoides
4 honey gourami
8 neon tetra
10 panda Cory's

Do you think I could fit the 3 extra panda Cory's in the tank or would it be to much and will there barbels grow back.

If they cannot fit in that tank then is there room in my 70 litre tank with
7 rummynose tetra
2 kribensis

Thanks from Tom
i would say try them in the the larder tank or put them in the smaller one with two other pandas to keep them happy.
You're already stocked in both your tanks, replacing one fish with 3 won't make the stocking any better
I don't disagree with Lille, but if you do decide to do it anyway, DEFINITELY don't put them in the same tank as a pair of breeding Kribs. Unless you particularly want to recreate Reservoir Dogs in aquatic form, of course.
I know it won't make the stocking better it's just I felt sorry for the panda Cory's in the store on very small and sharp stones and because they are on the stones there barbels have worn down or gone completely. So would you say just leave the 3 pandas in the store and keep the tank as it is from Tom
Ok as a zookeeper I guess I just think when I see an animal not being looked after correctly I want to go in a get it out and give it the life it deserves and I felt sorry because there is only 3 when they like to be in groups of 6+ from Tom
If I wanted to add the extra 3 panda Cory's what fish would I need to get rid off from Tom
You need to stop chopping & changing your stock or you'll never have a settled tank
Ok I will leave the tank as it is as I like how it looks and I like the fish that are in there. I might get another tank specifically for Cory's and if I do want size tank would I need for a panda Cory tank from Tom
I wouldn't put corys in less than 20 gallon, they are an active fish & need space
Ok thanks and do you know a 20 gallon that is not very expensive and is a good brand. Also In a 20 gallon how many panda Cory's could you have in the tank from Tom
Have a look on Gumtree or ebay for cheap second hand tanks.
You could put your 10 panda in it but with No other fish
I went to my fish shop today and returned a honey gourami that was being bullied and when I was there I saw 3 panda Cory's in a tank on there own. I look into the tank and saw that they were on very sharp stones and they I looked even closer and saw that there barbels were either wearing away or gone. I need your help to either re-arrange my tanks or to get rid of some fish so that I can rescue the panda Cory's. Even if I only have room for 1 I would like to save them obviously as many as I can would be great

I have a 110 litre with
2 apistogramma cacatuoides (not prepared to part with)
4 honey gourami (thought 1 could move to the other tank or go back to the store)
8 neon tetra (thought could take 2 back or move them to make room)
10 panda Cory's

70 litre with
2 kribensis
7 rummy nose tetra.

I know both my tanks are stocked to capacity but the 110 litre has been set up for 3 years and has a filter that can handle 150 litres. If you say I can't help them then there is nothing I can do but I thought as I took 1 honey gourami back I could get 1 panda Cory in its place. Thanks for any suggestions wether negative or positive from Tom

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