I have just taken my bullied male honey gourami back to the shop where I got him from and when I was there I saw 3 panda Cory's that were on very hard and sharp stones. I looked closer and saw that there barbels were either gone or wearing away. I had a lot of will power and thought I would ask you guys before buying them and saving them from the shop.
In my 110 litre tank I now have
2 apistogramma cacatuoides
4 honey gourami
8 neon tetra
10 panda Cory's
Do you think I could fit the 3 extra panda Cory's in the tank or would it be to much and will there barbels grow back.
If they cannot fit in that tank then is there room in my 70 litre tank with
7 rummynose tetra
2 kribensis
Thanks from Tom
In my 110 litre tank I now have
2 apistogramma cacatuoides
4 honey gourami
8 neon tetra
10 panda Cory's
Do you think I could fit the 3 extra panda Cory's in the tank or would it be to much and will there barbels grow back.
If they cannot fit in that tank then is there room in my 70 litre tank with
7 rummynose tetra
2 kribensis
Thanks from Tom