Re-Fill Fluval Disposable Co2 Canister


Fish Fanatic
Mar 18, 2012
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Hi all I am thinking of trying somthing and just wondered if anyone else had tried it or has any advice. right so i have a fluval 88g disposable co2 kit with empty canister. I have jus set up a fire extinguisher with a regulator on If i get some tubing and attach it between the 2 regulators, open the valve on the fluval then slowly release pressure from the fire extinguisher regulator would it slowly fill the fluval canister?? then once its at a certain psi close the valve and shut of fire extinguisher would it remain in the fluval canister?
If anyone understands that and i aint made it sound too confusing. Thanks
Sounds a bit dangerous to me. When I take my bottles to be filled, they weigh them so that the right amount is injected into the bottle. google co2 refill and read about weighing the bottles, temperature etc.
I would not try a refill myself. Pressure is not the issue with CO2. CO2 is stored in your tank as a liquid which evaporates to provide your gas to the tank. Have you not noticed that your CO2 tank keeps showing exactly the same pressure right up until it suddenly goes to zero? What happens is the last bit of liquid CO2 evaporates and then all you have left is the tiny bit of gas in the system. That bit can be gone in a matter of just hours. If you try to do a refill you are going to need to try moving liquid between the bottles. It is not impossible but it will seem difficult because you will need to keep track of the orientation of both bottles involved along with the height differences involved. You will also need to make sure that the empty has been allowed to go to a lower pressure than saturation pressure at room temperature so that it can accept a load of liquid but that it still has enough pressure that nothing else has gotten into the bottle that you want to refill. That set of conditions will probably be the hardest to obtain. If you manage to juggle yourself into a position to refill your throw away tank, what will you have gained? Why not just align the real CO2 system to be used by its original system and the one you wanted to refill? It will probably be 10 tines easier to accomplish and will give at least as good results.
I would not try a refill myself. Pressure is not the issue with CO2. CO2 is stored in your tank as a liquid which evaporates to provide your gas to the tank. Have you not noticed that your CO2 tank keeps showing exactly the same pressure right up until it suddenly goes to zero? What happens is the last bit of liquid CO2 evaporates and then all you have left is the tiny bit of gas in the system. That bit can be gone in a matter of just hours. If you try to do a refill you are going to need to try moving liquid between the bottles. It is not impossible but it will seem difficult because you will need to keep track of the orientation of both bottles involved along with the height differences involved. You will also need to make sure that the empty has been allowed to go to a lower pressure than saturation pressure at room temperature so that it can accept a load of liquid but that it still has enough pressure that nothing else has gotten into the bottle that you want to refill. That set of conditions will probably be the hardest to obtain. If you manage to juggle yourself into a position to refill your throw away tank, what will you have gained? Why not just align the real CO2 system to be used by its original system and the one you wanted to refill? It will probably be 10 tines easier to accomplish and will give at least as good results.

I thonk id best forget the idea then lol. Did read somwhere about it being a liquid and turning into a gas, sounds like it could get dangerous so ill stay away i think thanks for the advice and help tho much Appreciated

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