"Rayfield" Killifish

The Prison Shepherd

New Member
Mar 6, 2005
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Southern England
Hi, :D

I hope this is the right place for KILLIFISH: (I have asked a MOD) :thumbs:

Has anyone got any info on breeding "Rayfield" Killifish?
Are they "Egg Hangers? Or "Egg buryiers"?
Do they need "Peat Water" or not?
Depth of water "Shollow" Or "Deep"?
Pairs or Two females to a male?
Having got a trio of these lovely fish, and after finding it hard to soucre them i thought that as I am into breeding I'd give them a go! But am finding it hard to find some good info :unsure:
The fish you have are Fundulopanchax Gardneri nigerianum "Rayfield". There are many strains of Gardneri of which Rayfield is one(usually linked to the location in which it was found). My personal favourite is Fp. gar. Misaje.
They are mainly plant hangers,
The set up I would use, but not on a long term basis, if it's eggs your after is as follows.
18x8x8inch bare tank (no substrate) with tight fitting cover glass, 4 dense floating mops and a couple of sinking mops (100% man made fibre) boil the mops first. It's best for egg production and viability to adhere to the soft water parameters they live in, in the wild, but they will spawn (maybe not as prolific) in ordinary aged aquarium water with pH 6.5 -7.0 & temp of around 72-74 degrees F.
Use a good trio (1 male - 2 females) feed them live or frozen food to bring them into condition.
You will not need filtration or airstones as this is not a permanent setup, the only thing is water quality can change dramatically within the confines of such a small tank. so any uneaten food must be removed immediatly. Keep them in this setup for about two weeks (by which time you should have an ample amount of eggs) Do three water changes in this time replacing about 20% each time.
Pick the eggs off the mops daily with your fingers, but don't press too hard, they are quite hard to touch. (I normally did this chore in the mornings before I went to work) Don't be disheartened if you only get a few one day. some days you'll get more than others. Float a small recepticle in the tank (small margarine tub, make sure its very clean) and deposit the eggs into this with about 1-2 inches of aquarium water from the parent tank. Inspect the eggs daily, if any become fungussed, remove them using an eye dropper. The eggs will start to ripen (darken) as the embryos go through their various stages of development. They should hatch after around 20 days.(some take less some, take a little longer) wait until you see them free swimming in the egg tub, they need to fill their swim bladder with air in-order for them to become viable fish, then float another tub and place the fry in about 3 inches of the same water.Their first food idealy should be newly hatched Brineshrimp/Microworm then as they grow Brineshrimp/Grindalworm then from there on try to ween them to some flake & frozen foodstuffs. Do not over feed in the fry tub, remove any uneaten food & do water changes daily. Move the adults and use the tank to rear the fry, They will need bigger quarters as they grow.
Hope this is of some help to you and if you have any more questions regarding Killis then just ask...


Fp. Gardneri Nigerianum "Rayfield"
Simple answer "Make your own" Buy some corks like the ones used for home made wine bottleing "Boots" used to have a section for home brewers but I think thats gone now. Find a home brewers shop & if thats not possible then use polystyrene to float the mop. For the mop itself, is very simple to make. Go to the local knitting wool shop and ask for some 100% synthetic (manmade) knitting yarn. I use dark green, simply because it looks like a plant colour. Wrap the yarn (about 25-30 times) around a hardback-book that is about 8 inches or more in length, then cut the strands at one end, take one strand and tie a knot in the middle of the others attaching a cork as you go. Simple!! That is what you call a floating spawning mop, If you want a sinking mop then omit the cork...If it doesen't sink then weight it down with a small stone or the likes of. Don't forget to boil the mops in a saucepan a few times to get rid of the excess dye. Hope this makes things a little clearer.

Big C

Thanks for that, I have gone out and made some, well 10 really!

And I have the Females (2) in the tank munching on Brine shrimp ( I have my very own Hatchry bringing on loads of the little blighters) I will introduce him later and hopefully he will be teased up and they can settle down.

Once again Thanks :D

Only too pleased I could be of some help.
If you need any more advice keep posting or PM me.
Oh! one last thing, Let me know how you get on....
Big C or Anyone

I have got them in this set up, and I have lowered the softness of the water slowly over 8 days, feed on Good Live Brine (that I grow) and still have NOTHING
Whats going wrong :crazy:

Light: 6 hours
Feed: 3/4 times a day Brine/White worm/Blood worm
Water changes: 5% every day.......Cleaning out the waste
Filter: Air sponge

this is keep in the Fish Shed so doesn't get upset by anything?

Any help?????????
Just a few questions to get the feel of what your doing. Have you noticed any spawning behaviour at all.by the adults. (Adults do eat eggs) Check top of mop right in under the cork... are there any signs of any half eaten egg shells. Don't change your water too regularly by this I mean do not change the adults tank water every day give them time. If you've done everything as above and you water quality is correct then they will spawn. Don't dispair.
P.M. me if you cannot get them going and I will do my best to supply you with some more solutions.

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