Ranuncuhus figara


Fish Fanatic
Nov 21, 2002
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Ranuncuhus figara or Buttercups as I know it.
What are your thoughts on having this plant in your aquarium? Is it a case of pulling the plant from the ground, washing the roots, and floating it on the water surface?
now thats interesting, i get loads of these things every year all around my pond, mmmm when they pop up again next year i might just try 1 in my tank, should be ok cause i never use pesticides in my garden, i get a lot of headge hogs and even get a visit from a fox now and then, so i don't want to poison them, yes thanks for putting this link up, :thumbs: i'll give them a try :)
Wow, I never knew that! Any more Kitty that you've dug up (sorry for the pun) from the UK?
If I dig up any more useful snippets, I'll post them here, lol!

I found the item really interesting and wondered if anyone else had heard of it. The roots as a hiding place for fry sounds just the job! It's from a reputable site so it must be o.k.
Looks good, dont think i've ever seen any of that suff tho...

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