Random Discussion

Now appreciate it or else
R (1).gif
Are you sure that you want to call it VD?


Flying solo here, the 14th Feb means absolutely nothing to me....unless like this year it falls on a Monday and then its just another laundry day :)
Sure. 🤪

And same dude or gal.
Anyone got any plans for Valentine's Day?

For me, not really. I'm single and usually treat VD as just a regular day. Soooo, yeah.
Well... My family and I don't celebrate so its just an ordinary day
....erm...so I am going to fling this out there.....

VD...the abbreviation....is what we over this side of the pond used for what is now known as an STI.....hence why I asked if you really wanted to use VD (venereal disease)....
I'm dying of boredom... Anyone else?
Dying of stress, not boredom.

Got not TV, bugs everywhere, house stinks of toxic fumes coming in from outside, back yard (if you can call it that) stinks of urine, pretty sure it's from the neighbours.

Real estate agent has stolen my bond and spent all my overpaid rent on something but won't tell me what, and someone entered my place when I wasn't home and stole $50 sitting on the counter. No signs of forced entry and someone entered through the front door. Real estate agent has done several illegal entries into my place including letting her son use my toilet and not flush it, and it wasn't number 1. She and her son shouldn't even be near me, gonna get a court order against her.

My car's windows are still stuck up and I can't use the car when it's hot, and it's been sitting in the mid 30s to low 40s since Christmas. That is Celsius not Farenheight.

Haven't eaten properly since moving here around 20 January, or somewhere around then. Haven't slept during that time either.

Spent the last few weeks calling the suicide help lines. On the phone all day today trying to get someone to do something about the hot water coming out of the cold tap. Been going back and forth between the council, health department, water corp and consumer protection and nobody is helping.

Spent a few hours on the phone to Centrelink (Federal government department that deals with welfare and pensions, etc). They want a copy of my lease but I still don't have one even though I apparently signed a lease on 25 November 2021 but never got a copy of it and couldn't get into the place until late January 2022 because of the idiot real estate agent locking the door form the inside.

My hair is falling out, I feel sick all the time, my intestines are cramped up. I have been coughing up blood again. I have blood noses all the time since I have been here. My feet and legs are puffed up because my heart is failing. I have constant chest pains and the medication doesn't help anymore. And I am going to die soon. And i cant deal with this anymore.
Anyone got any plans for Valentine's Day?

For me, not really. I'm single and usually treat VD as just a regular day. Soooo, yeah.
I’m so single right now, that if I win a trip for two, I’m going twice.

So in other words, no.
I've never been a big fan of Valentine's Day, or Singles Awareness Day (SAD), as we used to call it. When I was in college, my friends and I used to wear black in protest. I think the only people who benefit from it are the card-flower-candy companies, and ladies who have attached themselves to clods too unromantic to do anything special unless the world tells them it's time to. (Although now that I think about it, I could stand to up my game in that area...)

The other beneficiary of SAD is the busybody who loves pointing out to singles how much happier they would be if they only could find that certain...special...someone! If any of you are that person, for heaven's sake, knock it off! :lol:

I spent most of my life flying solo and kind of preferred it that way, until I quite unexpectedly found this lady in my life that I didn't want to live without. But that didn't happen until I was in my early 30s. We're coming up on 19 years of marriage this summer, which just goes to prove that there's hope for everybody! Mrs. Badger, of course, loves Valentine's Day, which I see as a further bit of proof that God has a sense of humor. We're going to have lobster tails for supper, so it isn't all bad.

As if I didn't have enough disdain for the holiday, being an elementary teacher is just the icing on the cake: Yay, another reason to get the kids all sugared up and hyper and crying/giggling. Yay.
As if I didn't have enough disdain for the holiday, being an elementary teacher is just the icing on the cake: Yay, another reason to get the kids all sugared up and hyper and crying/giggling. Yay.
I used to coach robotics at an elementary school. Coaching kids on sugar is like herding cats on crack.
Anyone got any plans for Valentine's Day?

For me, not really. I'm single and usually treat VD as just a regular day. Soooo, yeah.
I will be eating garlic bread and Ice cream cake while watching the LOTR movies, then I will cuddle up in my bed with sheets that just came out of the dryer and sleep until 10:00 am 🖤🤍💜

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