cool so could i do one electric blue ram and a German blue ram with all of those other fish and let me just tell you what my stocking is i want to do i want to get 5 neon tetras 5 to 6 rummy nose tetras one rio negro pleco and 5 sterbas corys so do you think i could fit in a couple of otos and it will be a planted tank with 3 gallons worth of filtration with sand on the bottom.TallTree01 said:Yes. That is similar to my own stocking.![]()
No, I don't think rams with puffers or puffers with tetras would be a very good idea.
I reckon the ottos too would be overdoing it to be honest.thelaw said:cool so could i do one electric blue ram and a German blue ram with all of those other fish and let me just tell you what my stocking is i want to do i want to get 5 neon tetras 5 to 6 rummy nose tetras one rio negro pleco and 5 sterbas corys so do you think i could fit in a couple of otos and it will be a planted tank with 3 gallons worth of filtration with sand on the bottom.Yes. That is similar to my own stocking.
No, I don't think rams with puffers or puffers with tetras would be a very good idea.
I reckon the ottos too would be overdoing it to be honest.TallTree01 said:
cool so could i do one electric blue ram and a German blue ram with all of those other fish and let me just tell you what my stocking is i want to do i want to get 5 neon tetras 5 to 6 rummy nose tetras one rio negro pleco and 5 sterbas corys so do you think i could fit in a couple of otos and it will be a planted tank with 3 gallons worth of filtration with sand on the bottom.
Yes. That is similar to my own stocking.![]()
No, I don't think rams with puffers or puffers with tetras would be a very good idea.
sweet thanks so do you think this stalking would work. 2 electric blue ram cichlids 11 rummy nose tetras 5 corys and btw can you give me some suggestions of types of corys no pygmy corys and 1 reo negro pleco. thanks for the helpAeonMapa said:You could do this stocking:
1 pair of rams (you can actually do two pairs with the proper aquascaping. I keep 3 pairs in a 50 gallon and they all have defined territories)
2 schools of 6 tetras or one school of 10-12 which I recommend as you'll see better schooling behaviors. The rummies get quite large too.
6 corys, though i'd suggest the smaller species.
I don't think that adding 3 otos would be too much. I have kept the above stocking in a 10 gallon heavily planted and they thrived. A 20 gallon would be easy and low maintenance for such a stocking. Or if you don't feel the otos a single SAE will work too
That's fine minus the pleco. If you must have it, you'd want to have only 8-9 rummynose tetrasthelaw said:sweet thanks so do you think this stalking would work. 2 electric blue ram cichlids 11 rummy nose tetras 5 corys and btw can you give me some suggestions of types of corys no pygmy corys and 1 reo negro pleco. thanks for the helpYou could do this stocking:
1 pair of rams (you can actually do two pairs with the proper aquascaping. I keep 3 pairs in a 50 gallon and they all have defined territories)
2 schools of 6 tetras or one school of 10-12 which I recommend as you'll see better schooling behaviors. The rummies get quite large too.
6 corys, though i'd suggest the smaller species.
I don't think that adding 3 otos would be too much. I have kept the above stocking in a 10 gallon heavily planted and they thrived. A 20 gallon would be easy and low maintenance for such a stocking. Or if you don't feel the otos a single SAE will work too![]()
That's fine minus the pleco. If you must have it, you'd want to have only 8-9 rummynose tetrasTallTree01 said:
sweet thanks so do you think this stalking would work. 2 electric blue ram cichlids 11 rummy nose tetras 5 corys and btw can you give me some suggestions of types of corys no pygmy corys and 1 reo negro pleco. thanks for the help
You could do this stocking:
1 pair of rams (you can actually do two pairs with the proper aquascaping. I keep 3 pairs in a 50 gallon and they all have defined territories)
2 schools of 6 tetras or one school of 10-12 which I recommend as you'll see better schooling behaviors. The rummies get quite large too.
6 corys, though i'd suggest the smaller species.
I don't think that adding 3 otos would be too much. I have kept the above stocking in a 10 gallon heavily planted and they thrived. A 20 gallon would be easy and low maintenance for such a stocking. Or if you don't feel the otos a single SAE will work too![]()
angel fish and rams?