

Fish Herder
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
I like the way these little guys look. I am going to be setting up a 30gal. hex tank and wonder if these are good for a community tank even though they are mini-cichlids?

They are great community tank mates. I have one in my tank and he is just awesome. I think my rummy nose tetras are more aggressive than he is! :D
I'm told they don't live for a very long time and they are sensitive to water condition. I learned that the most unfortunate way with a Gold Ram- whom I just adored...
Don't let the cichlid in them scare you away!
yes they are suitble for communtiy tanks i've had mine for about 3 weeks and its the best fish i have ever had
They are wonderful little community fish! They are however not as hardy as some more popular community fish. Ensure you have no ammonia or nitrite present and perform regular water changes. Check what the suppliers water parameters are and if the fish appear healthy in that then keep to it. They do prefer softer, acidic water but can be kept in slightly harder, alkaline but will not live as long. I feed mine on flake, frozen bloodworm and brine shrimp. They're cool to watch defending their little territories.

P.S. Check out my photo of one of my Gold Rams on Fish of the Month Sept. 2003
rams are great!!!

my 1 was 1 of the fish i bought first....before i learned about cycling......he's survived 2 cycles and a load of mini cycles and nitrite spikes....he's the only fish left from the original bunch that i bought
I have 4 german rams in a 20G community tank see sig. The german rams are almost identical to the blue rams but they are said to be a little hardier. I really like these fish. They usually hang out in the lower levels of the tank and stay near (not inside) their caves. They are said to be very sensitive to nitrite levels. Make sure your tank is completely cycled before you get them. I read that they don't like tankmates that will bother them or compete for their territories. The ones in my tank seem to be doing well. I tried not to add any other lower level fish. One word of caution, they are really messy eaters. I don't give mine flakes any more because half of what they eat comes back out like a fine powder. Now I feed my tank only micro pellets. It does help cut down the mess.
Yeah I'm soon gonna get a 40g tank for my room.... :D and I'm certainly considering puting in rams due to there known behaviour :rolleyes:
However might I add rams are quite delicate fish and the chemistry has to be perfect :D Like always :p

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