Rams Laid Eggs Advice Needed Fast


Fish Addict
Sep 16, 2012
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my rams just laid eggs? what should i do?
there only fauna in the tank are 2 ghost shrimp, 2 bristlenose plecos and the german blue rams

should i seperate the parents?
should i remove the eggs?
should i move the plecos? one has been nibbled on a little bit, but both are keeping there distance
is seachem flourish safe for the fry?
alsi would i need a sponge filter? or would they not get sucked up?
nvm i woke up today, the eggs hatched but i couldn't find any fry :(
For future reference, GBR's will raise their own fry, so you don't need to remove the parents. They will also watch their eggs to make sure they don't become fungussed, so if you see them eating their own eggs they're eating bad ones - again, no need for concern. The parents will be very protective of their fry, so the main concern isn't necessarily for the fry, but the other fish in your tank.

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