Rams in my tank

Best thing is to try... i found that after introducing rams to my tank the RTBS took an immediate disliking to them... I then had to seperate them into differing tanks (im lucky to have more than one tank i guess)

Try it and see, if there is going to be a problem its likely you will see it in the first day, there is also the problem that shark types get more aggressive with maturity and therefore nothing may happen for 6 months then suddenly you'll notice the shark become territorial, in a huge tank it may not be a problem but in a 50g or smaller its likely there could be clashes if the shark becomes territorial.

Sorry cant be more help than that im afraid, may be worth waiting for someone whose kept rainbow sharks to post here with any ideas.
ok rainbow will not be added, i dont wanna risk my angel and rams the most! I love my angel and i know i will love my rams :)
@ombomb said:
If you still have Gouramis I would advise strongly about putting Rams in there, particulary if you still have Dwarf Gouramis.

I have two dwarf gouramis, two honey gouramis, two bolivian rams (1 male, 1 female), two german rams (1 male, 1 female) plus a school of six harlequins, two small plecos, two dwarf frogs, five diamond tetras, and three zebra danios, and two kribensis cichlids and everyone gets along fine.
Krib cichlids are cool! But i hear dthey get aggressive, may be you got lucky :) I am going to get rams and still keep my gouramis :) thanks everyone
i got my rams!!! YAY

Only one pronblem, the store had 5 of them and i knew there were definitely two males, i could tell by the front two spikes being much longer than the rest on the top fin. The others i assumed were females. Now in my tank, my two blue rams seem to chase eachother kind of, not around the tank, just charge at eachother once and a while, and it isnt doing ANY dammage, they dotn even touch. I didnt know if this was bad or not. Do you think i have a female and a male???

I also bought two gold rams, one male and one female (this i am sure of :) they are happy, i had them in my hospital tank, the male looked sick, but he is fine and once i put him in my 60 gallon with all the plants and stuff, he brightened up in 1 minute! He is ogrgeous!
No, i really don't think it's bad what your rams are doing, mine are doing the exact same thing , and people have told me that they just need more time to settle in. I'm adding more hiding spots today to maybe stop this once and for all, i dunno, maybe you don't have many either?
mine have SO many plants to hide in and SOOOOOO many peices of driftwood with caves and rocks and all sorts of things :)
Hi ANIM4L,sorry I didn't read your post earlier.

I am glad you finally got your rams.No doubt these are some of the most beautiful fresh water fish,and you will enjoy them for sure.

Like you I keep my rams with angels in a 55 gal tank,plenty of hidding places and full all live plants everywhere.I too have gold and german/dutch blues(by the way,the most stunning coloration).
--A few things I would like to share....
-The easiest way to recognize the gender is not the dorsal fin,coloration or size of the males,but the pink/purple/reddish spot of the females on their tummis.I will explain......dorsal fins could be very develop on females even at an early age.Colorations,the same,especially on germans,for they were developed to look fantastic,and some of the females look almost as colorful as the males.Size,well 90% of the rams you see at your LFS are youngsters,therefore they will pretty much be the same size.
That's exactly what happpened with my female german.She was in a 10 gal full of her sibblings.She was the most colorful,as large as the biggest male,and obviously was the boss in the tank.The only way to tell her appart from the males was her purple tummy.
This also includes the golden females.If you look very careful,you'll notice their pinkish spot.

-About golds being more delicate than blues,well......Although,I hear this all the time(same about germans)but all mine are very healthy.

-Rams being one of the most peaceful fish?I have never encounter one that wasn't agressive and territorial,that's including females.Granted some more than others but,at spawning time,the most peacefull fish will become a shark attacking everything in that tank,after all like someone said,they are cichlids.

-I wish the best of luck with one of the most beautiful fish around.
thank you very much for that, that was really helpful! I will check my rams in the morning to see what is what!!! So i should chekc for a pinkish/purple belly, and that will be a female? and thayt is obvious from birth (obviously really hard if they are fry lol)? Thanks a lot! If i do have a dual male set up i will get a female instead :) thanks so much!
ramesses said:
Hi ANIM4L,sorry I didn't read your post earlier.

I am glad you finally got your rams.No doubt these are some of the most beautiful fresh water fish,and you will enjoy them for sure.

Like you I keep my rams with angels in a 55 gal tank,plenty of hidding places and full all live plants everywhere.I too have gold and german/dutch blues(by the way,the most stunning coloration).
--A few things I would like to share....
-The easiest way to recognize the gender is not the dorsal fin,coloration or size of the males,but the pink/purple/reddish spot of the females on their tummis.I will explain......dorsal fins could be very develop on females even at an early age.Colorations,the same,especially on germans,for they were developed to look fantastic,and some of the females look almost as colorful as the males.Size,well 90% of the rams you see at your LFS are youngsters,therefore they will pretty much be the same size.
That's exactly what happpened with my female german.She was in a 10 gal full of her sibblings.She was the most colorful,as large as the biggest male,and obviously was the boss in the tank.The only way to tell her appart from the males was her purple tummy.
This also includes the golden females.If you look very careful,you'll notice their pinkish spot.

-About golds being more delicate than blues,well......Although,I hear this all the time(same about germans)but all mine are very healthy.

-Rams being one of the most peaceful fish?I have never encounter one that wasn't agressive and territorial,that's including females.Granted some more than others but,at spawning time,the most peacefull fish will become a shark attacking everything in that tank,after all like someone said,they are cichlids.

-I wish the best of luck with one of the most beautiful fish around.
r u planning 2 bred ur gold rams
its not that i am planning on breeding them, if they do though i wouldnt mind. I just didnt want two males because then i may have issues with aggression, or do rams realy not have any aggression? I think, from looking at mine, i MAY have a female gold ram and a male one, the "female" seems to have a little coloring on her stomach but im not sure if it is really a female, when i get back from california i may just return one of eacha nd get a FOR SURE female. I dont want any aggression, i dont mind the breeding though, i would like them to pair up though :) if you say the aggression wont really happen with two males each, then i will keep them though :)
ANIM4L said:
I dont want any aggression, i dont mind the breeding though, i would like them to pair up though :) if you say the aggression wont really happen with two males each, then i will keep them though :)

The good news is that they will not look at the angels when they become parents,the bad news is that they will become very territorial and aggressive towards other rams and small fish,including corys.

Having two males will spell disaster,especially during hot days.The dominant will chase the other one all over the tank(doesn't really matter those 60 gallons nor those plants).
I've been told that two can live together,but there is always all that chasing and fighting.
Two females are better,but let's be honest,the reason why we buy them is because of the gorgeous males.

So,my advise to you is to get a pair.Let them procreate,you'll see how much fun they are.

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