Rams in my tank

i dont know how i would care for babies!!! :(

i just got back froma trip, one of my golds died, but i am getting the other a female tomorrow, and i am getting a female blue too, and giving one of my males to my dad. I will check for the pink bellies, any other suggestions?
don't worry the fry won't survive..it is very unlikely that the eggs will even be fertile the first few times around
OK, i mean it wouldnt be bad i guess, but i have no where to put them and i dont have the money to set up another big tank, so i dont want to deal with it, but i would like a pair because then they will be happier :)

Im going to go get the females now :) I will be looking ofr the pink bellies :)
well my tank changed in a good way, much more plants and new substrate, i will be posting pics of my fsh and my tank within a few days :) hope to get some compliments and criticism

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