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Would rainbow fish kill a male fighter fish?
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Depends on the rainbowfish.
From the stocking you give in your signature, I'm guessing they're Bosemani Rainbows?
No, Bosemani would nip it to death.
Other than that, your tank is overstocked and poorly stocked.
Torpedo Barbs: Need groups of +6 and are too active for that tank
Bosemani Rainbows: Need groups of +6 and are too big and active for that tank
Neon Rainbowfish: Need to be in groups of +6
Neon Tetras: Need to be in groups of +6
Golden Ram: Require temperatures too high for other fish to live in
Panda Cories: Need a sand substrate and groups of +6
Kuhli Loaches: Need a sand substrate and groups of +6
Bloodfin Tetras: Need groups of +6
Glass Catfish: Need groups of +6
Golden Panchax: Killifish are aggressive and best off in a species only tank
Is the tank cycled? Does it have a sand bottom?
If yes to both, I'd return the Torpedo Barbs, Bosemani Rainbows, Golden Ram, the panchax and the two neon tetras. And do this stocking
14x Neon Rainbowfish
3x Female Guppies
8x Kuhli Loaches
8x Panda Corys
10x Bloodfin Tetras
12x Glass Catfish
If you do not have sand, rehome the kuhlis and the cories, as they need sand to sift through and gravel damages their whiskers.
Depends on the rainbowfish.
From the stocking you give in your signature, I'm guessing they're Bosemani Rainbows?
No, Bosemani would nip it to death.
Other than that, your tank is overstocked and poorly stocked.
Torpedo Barbs: Need groups of +6 and are too active for that tank
Bosemani Rainbows: Need groups of +6 and are too big and active for that tank
Neon Rainbowfish: Need to be in groups of +6
Neon Tetras: Need to be in groups of +6
Golden Ram: Require temperatures too high for other fish to live in
Panda Cories: Need a sand substrate and groups of +6
Kuhli Loaches: Need a sand substrate and groups of +6
Bloodfin Tetras: Need groups of +6
Glass Catfish: Need groups of +6
Golden Panchax: Killifish are aggressive and best off in a species only tank
Is the tank cycled? Does it have a sand bottom?
If yes to both, I'd return the Torpedo Barbs, Bosemani Rainbows, Golden Ram, the panchax and the two neon tetras. And do this stocking
14x Neon Rainbowfish
3x Female Guppies
8x Kuhli Loaches
8x Panda Corys
10x Bloodfin Tetras
12x Glass Catfish
If you do not have sand, rehome the kuhlis and the cories, as they need sand to sift through and gravel damages their whiskers.
Mostly agreed, but way to generalise the killifish