Rainbowfish, panda garra, zebra loaches looking for a home (Wyoming, USA)


Professional Cat Herder
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Fish of the Month 🌟
Dec 18, 2011
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Where the deer and the antelope play
My client has decided they want something new for their tank, so I am looking for homes for a bunch of rainbowfish and bottom feeders. Free to good homes, which is a heck of a deal, as these are really nice fish. You pay shipping. Numbers are approximate, especially for bottom feeders, as this is a heavily aquascaped tank and the little guys won't hold still for me to count them. :)

Assorted Rainbow fish. Need at least a 75 gallon tank (150 gallon for the whole batch); moderate to hard water. These need to be in groups of 5-6 at least, so if you pick one of the singles/pairs, you need to have some others as well. I would prefer to keep the species together; if someone could take the whole school of 24, that would be ideal.
--6 male bosemanis
--1 Australian male
--2 yellow females
--7 Irian Reds: 4m, 4f
--7 Red Laser Wapoga: 4m, 3f
--1 Threadfin male

Age and condition: 4-5 years old. Great condition; beautifully colored. Some have columnaris scarring around mouths from a bout with the infection a few years ago.
Quantity for sale: see above
Reason for Sale: see above
Delivery or Collection: either
Sales price: Free; you pay shipping.
Willing to Ship (Yes or No): yes
Postage & Packaging Price: depends on where you are.
General Location (for personal security reasons do not put your address here, just your town): Wyoming.

6 Panda Garra. Need at least a 29 gallon. Great algae eaters, cool looking, peaceful, easy to keep, tons of personality. One of the most underrated fish in the hobby, IMO. You would need to take the whole school as these are very social fish and they've all been raised together.

Age and condition: 4-5 years old. Healthy and robust.
Quantity for sale: six
Reason for Sale: see above
Sales price: Free; you pay shipping
Postage & Packaging Price: Depends on where you are
General Location Wyoming

6 Zebra Loaches. Again, I need someone to take the whole school as they've been together a long time and I think it would be tough on them to be separated.
Age and condition: 2-3 years. Healthy. nice colors.
Quantity for sale: 6?
Reason for Sale: see above
Sales price: Free; you pay shipping
Postage & Packaging Price: Depends on where you are
General Location Wyoming

I also have a few very shy emerald brochis that are pretty old and in fairly rough shape, but I'd be willing to share them if anyone wants them.

Please respond to thread if interested. Once I know where you are I'll give you an estimate of shipping, and if it's agreeable we'll handle the rest by PM. A caveat: I am very inexperienced at shipping fish, so all I can promise is that I'll do my best.

By the way, I am also advertising these locally, and I will give preference to local takers, since transporting across town is a lot better for fish than shipping across country. Thanks for understanding.
By the way, I am also advertising these locally, and I will give preference to local takers, since transporting across town is a lot better for fish than shipping across country. Thanks for understanding.
I have some brochis so would be happy to add to my population if no local takers. I'm at zip 60096, can PM you the address if I am a contender 🥊

BTW what did they decide theme wise for the new tank?
They want a South America tank. I'm thinking a flooded forest scape, lots of vertical cover, lots of floating plants. Red phantom tetras, platinum hatchets, twig catfish, adolfo cories, and a school of angels that we hope will eventually become a breeding pair.
Black Phantoms are beautiful as well...I am loving mine and wish I could add more, alas my 120 is really full and I just put a pair of my Sister's Angels in there. Lol, their names are Pretzel Slims and Glitz and Glamour...my Sis comes up with the best names.
I have always wanted to get Panda Garra!
I hope you find a taker. I don't have the tank for them but I agree, personaliy plus!
@Boundava You're the leading contender for the brochis, if I can catch the little critters. We still have a school of BEAUTIFUL red irian rainbows and the zebra loaches up for grabs. Anyone? Anyone???
I would be able to take the rainbows too.
So, I've got 7 red irians and I forgot, 7 red laser/wapogas. Would you like both types? I can get them off to you later this week. PM me your vital stats and I'll figure out what overnight shipping would cost. Thanks, Nat! I feel very good sending these fish to you.

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