Tank Size: 75g
Water Readings as of this morning: Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates 5ppm
Diet: Shrimp pellets, tropical flakes, blood worms on occasion
Water Changes: 25% twice a week via vacuuming
-swims tilted to one side for a few seconds at a time, is able to swim normally for the majority of the time, but does seem weaker than usual
-will 'twitch' his head very fast from side to side occasionally
-no outward signs of sickness/distress (no lost scales, no clamped for torn fins, etc)
I just recently moved him to this larger tank, but prior to that I had witnessed him behaving a bit oddly, as in darting across the tank erratically for no apparent reason and then tilting to his side a bit, then going on like nothing happened.
I don't want to lose my sharky
Water Readings as of this morning: Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates 5ppm
Diet: Shrimp pellets, tropical flakes, blood worms on occasion
Water Changes: 25% twice a week via vacuuming
-swims tilted to one side for a few seconds at a time, is able to swim normally for the majority of the time, but does seem weaker than usual
-will 'twitch' his head very fast from side to side occasionally
-no outward signs of sickness/distress (no lost scales, no clamped for torn fins, etc)
I just recently moved him to this larger tank, but prior to that I had witnessed him behaving a bit oddly, as in darting across the tank erratically for no apparent reason and then tilting to his side a bit, then going on like nothing happened.
I don't want to lose my sharky