Rainbow Madness

Sailfin Zach

Fish Crazy
Dec 29, 2011
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Today I bought a Australian Rainbowfish.  It is extremely pretty and became attached to it very quickly.  I noticed it started to fight with one of my Turquoise Rainbows (which I've had for a while).  So I took him out and placed it in a smaller tank.  I thought it would of been perfect for the tank because I already have two females.  After I put it in another tank though I started to have second thoughts because perhaps it was just fighting for it's place.  
Probably fighting for it's territory. I would just keep an eye on them until the settle down.
Firstly, nice tanks.

When you say they're fighting, do you mean they're biting and causing physical harm to each other? Or are they chasing, changing colours and posturing?
malfunction said:
Firstly, nice tanks.

When you say they're fighting, do you mean they're biting and causing physical harm to each other? Or are they chasing, changing colours and posturing?
Well that pic of my tanks is really old it's from couple yrs ago.  They look much better now!
They were biting and headbutting nonstop so I took him out and out him in the 20 gallon (which he's doing well).
I'd agree it's probably a territorial/dominance issue. As long as they're not causing any physical harm to each other, I'd keep them in the same tank and watch them for a week or so. Rainbowfish males (and females) like to spar a lot - although it's usually posturing and flashing, rather than biting. I think once they've settled their dominance hierarchy they'll probably calm down a little.
malfunction said:
I'd agree it's probably a territorial/dominance issue. As long as they're not causing any physical harm to each other, I'd keep them in the same tank and watch them for a week or so. Rainbowfish males (and females) like to spar a lot - although it's usually posturing and flashing, rather than biting. I think once they've settled their dominance hierarchy they'll probably calm down a little.
Thanks, really appreciate it I'll try him again just Rainbow's are so hard to catch I'll catch him tomm and let you know how they are doing.
I know - they can be tricky to catch. If you lower the water level and use some sort of barrier (e.g. a divider) to box him into a corner it'll be a lot easier.

If your tank is big enough, it might also be worth increasing their numbers. That way you get much better mating displays and they feel more secure.

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