Rabbit Snail


Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2013
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So it would seem I have a difficult time learning a lesson.  I was just at my LFS with my kids and we happened to come upon a planted tank with Rabbit Snails.  Once the sales lady pointed out the "floppy ears" my kids were hooked and wouldn't let up.  Against my better judgement (knowing nothing about this snail I would have normally researched it first) I went ahead and bought one as the saleswoman, who hasn't steered me wrong in the past, assured me it would be fine in my planted tank.
Well sure enough I got home and googled Rabbit Snails to find out that they do indeed eat plants and like Java Fern in particular...which my tank is full of!!  The one thing I couldn't find much info on is whether or not live plants are their preferred food or do they only turn to it if there isn't enough other food in the tank like algae, leftover fish food, etc.  Any advice before I put this little guy/girl in my tank?  I'm prepared to return it if need be. 
I wouldn't put it in.  I bought a mystery snail which was assured that it would be fine with plants and it destroyed all of them in a day or two.
I just bought 4 baby gold rabbit snails, i dont have much info on them because i just got them but, they like to eat algae and left over food. I dont think there is a way to stop them from having a tasty snack on your java fern though haha
The problem with apple snails is their big and when they get on little plants its not very pretty haha
bluesword23516 said:
I wouldn't put it in.  I bought a mystery snail which was assured that it would be fine with plants and it destroyed all of them in a day or two.
Thanks but I believe Mystery Snails are a completely different species of snail.  Also Mystery Snails are notorious plant eaters.  My LFS actually has NOT FOR PLANTED TANKS written across the tank where they keep them. 
sawickib said:
I just bought 4 baby gold rabbit snails, i dont have much info on them because i just got them but, they like to eat algae and left over food. I dont think there is a way to stop them from having a tasty snack on your java fern though haha
The problem with apple snails is their big and when they get on little plants its not very pretty haha
Thanks.  Do you have a planted tank?  Were you given any info about they behave with plants?
I ordered them on eBay, and it's complicated it was planted until my marbled crayfish ate them all, I moved her to her own tank, but they don't eat moss I know that. When they grow up I'm going to move them to my 55 gallon heavily planted with Java fern :/ lol
I don't think one will do too much damage. They also don't reproduce a lot so they won't over run your tank. I think you will be fine. It's going to mostly go after leftover food. The worst case scenario is having to rehome it.
And since you have one it wont make any babies because they are sexual reproducers
Thx for the feedback guys. I went ahead and put it in the tank. He will be evicted at the first sign of bad behavior! Lol
My yellow and Orange tylos ate java fern and coral pellia - but that was it. Eventually I got rid of them because of it - but they dont tend to kill the plant outright but just take chunks out of the leaves.
Unfortunately I had to return the Rabbit Snail. Apparently my Rosy Barbs found it to be as interesting as I did. Every time the poor thing came out of its shell one of the Rosy Barbs tried to make a meal out if it. So I had to return it. I didn't even consider how the fish would react since I have Nerites and the fish completely ignore them. Then again the Nerites don't come out of the shell the way the Rabbit does.

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