Quick Stocking Question


Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
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Am about to head out to the LFS and am looking for a small shoaling fish for my 40L tank.
I asked about celestial pearl danio which is a no as they don't have any.
Chilli Rasbora?
Dwarf Rasbora
Emerald Dwarf Rasbora?
Boraras Mehra which I think is commonly referred to as Ginger Rasbora?
At a push, Salt & Pepper Cory?
Gosh, if only we had a thread somewhere that shows all the species suitable for nano tanks. :rofl:
I don't trust a thread that says a betta is suitable for a 3 gal tank.
Neon green rasbora, get a bit bigger than the chillis, I have these also and are awesome :D
I suggested these on the other thread but thought I would put here also incase you don't check on that thread whilst out.
Just had a scan-read of the thread in bettas.
I'm not sure how near the Glasgow Maidenhead Aquatics is, but all of their branches local to me have Celestial Pearl Danios, so if they don't stock them, they should be able to order them in for you.
techen said:
I don't trust a thread that says a betta is suitable for a 3 gal tank.
The thread doesnt say best kept in but it is the bare minimums. In a 3 gal you can put a heater and a filter in quite fine.
They have black harlequin rasboras
Glow light danios
Harlequin rasboras
Bloodfin tetras
Rummy nose tetras
Blue kerri danios too
IMO they all require a bit too much space :/

Can they order in a specific amount of fish for you?
Do they have any endlers? Or is that list what they are recommending as they have nothing else?
Pretty much yep, Or pets at home but I don't shop there :B
Techen, I believe you are near me (Dundee) which store do you use?

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