Questions Need Awnswering


Fish Crazy
Sep 17, 2010
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hello i am getting a new tank and wonderd these questions

will 1 angelfish harm guppys,corys,platys,mollys or khuli loachs?

is sand substrate good?
if the tank is big will a breeding pair of cribs get along with the above?

is there any other fish that are good with the above?

are khuli loachs a good choice

thats all thanks hope to see your replys bye
Depends on the size of the fish in question. An adult angel will eat young fish, and may well have a go at adult khuli loach.
Depends on the size of the fish in question. An adult angel will eat young fish, and may well have a go at adult khuli loach.

the guy at the lfs said any angel will be fine if theres just one angel in the tank and the one im might get is about this big

----------------------- ok so what i do bye the way tank is 94 litres and its a marble angel or a koi angel thanks
I wouldn't be as worried of the guppies with the Angel, more the guppies with the kribensis they can be quite aggressive especially when breeding
i dont think youre gonna find a 94l like that

what about if i get a baby koi angelfish and raise it till it gets to big then put it in the familys cummunity tank down stairs its huge i think its about 70 gallons and anyone know anything about kribs will they or angels kill other fish
That would be fine.
Kribs aren't usualy aggressive until they pair up,but that wont take long at all, Males are ready to breed at about 2"
That would be fine.
Kribs aren't usualy aggressive until they pair up,but that wont take long at all, Males are ready to breed at about 2"

will they kill one another like so will the kribs harm my corys or guppys or any other fish and will my cories shoal with other species and what price you normally looking for a pair of kribs and sorry for all the questions but im really excited lol :) thanks

If you have fancy male guppys then they can become targets of Angelfish, i have heard of cases like this happening in the past (the small male guppys with long flowing fancy colourful fins make easy & tempting targets for a number of fish).
TBH you have a very peaceful community tank (Angelfish are semi-aggressive/territorial), if i were you i would keep it that way as the fish will be happier for it :) .
i am interested in alot of fish and i wonderd if these are happy freidly fish but not all in 1 tank but yer here goes

golden barb
cherry barb
khuli loachs
flying fox
marble angelfish
koi angelfish
rummynose tetras
amano shrimp
cherry shrimp
bolvian ram
and is there any other freindly fish mates
Roughly/generally speaking;
Cherry barbs= peaceful & hardy, shoaling fish, does best in planted tanks.

Golden barbs= grows a lot larger (about 3inches), peaceful & hardy shoaling fish but very active (like danios).

Khuli loaches= do best in tanks with sand substrates due to their small delicate barbles. Very peaceful & sociable fish and should be kept in groups of their own kind, but are not a particularly visible fish and will spend a lot of time hiding away under pebble or driftwood piles or caves etc (they do become very active & nuts during certain circumstances, like after cold water changes or when stormy weather is approaching etc).

Rummy Nose Tetras: peaceful shoaling fish but sensitive to water quality so does best in mature tank set up etc.

Amano shrimp: Sociable & peaceful little algae eating/scavenging shrimp, do best in groups (at least 4-5+) in planted peaceful community tanks. Despite been algae eaters/scavengers they do still need their own food.

I wouldn't say i'm knowledgable enough to confidently fully comment on the other fish.
Roughly/generally speaking;
Cherry barbs= peaceful & hardy, shoaling fish, does best in planted tanks.

Golden barbs= grows a lot larger (about 3inches), peaceful & hardy shoaling fish but very active (like danios).

Khuli loaches= do best in tanks with sand substrates due to their small delicate barbles. Very peaceful & sociable fish and should be kept in groups of their own kind, but are not a particularly visible fish and will spend a lot of time hiding away under pebble or driftwood piles or caves etc (they do become very active & nuts during certain circumstances, like after cold water changes or when stormy weather is approaching etc).

Rummy Nose Tetras: peaceful shoaling fish but sensitive to water quality so does best in mature tank set up etc.

Amano shrimp: Sociable & peaceful little algae eating/scavenging shrimp, do best in groups (at least 4-5+) in planted peaceful community tanks. Despite been algae eaters/scavengers they do still need their own food.

I wouldn't say i'm knowledgable enough to confidently fully comment on the other fish.

thank you very much i will get them then and will sand substrate be better than gravel in the long run

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